PCI in Patients With Diabetes: Show Me the Data
SYNTAX: Baseline Characteristics by Diabetes Status
Case 1: History and Presentation
Case 1: Cardiac Catheterization
ACCF/AHA/SCAI Guidelines on PCI: FFR
RESET: TLR at 1 Year
Is Sirolimus Less Effective in Diabetic Conditions?
Network Meta-analysis: EES Lower Risk of Stent Thrombosis vs BMS
Rates of Deep Sternal Infection After Bilateral IMA
Maze Procedure With CABG/AVR
Case 2 History and Presentation
Europeana and USb Guidelines: The Heart Team
RESOLUTE Pooled Patient Level Analysis R-ZES in Non-DM (n = 3595), NIDDM (n = 1080) and IDDM (n = 455)
Take-Home Points
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)