Other Union, U.S.A. Confederacy, Names C.S.A. Flag Stars and Stripes Stars and Bars # of States 22 States 11 States
industries were in the North Population Industrial Development Railroad Mileage 22,000,000 9,000,000 (3,500,000 slaves) 92% of the nation’s industries were in the North Very little industrial development, mostly an agrarian economy. Many fewer Railroads in the South 75% of RR miles were in North
Most of the wealth was in land and in slaves Had 75% of the nation’s wealth: banking, manufacturing, shipping Financial Resources Leadership Generals J. Davis had experience as a senator, secretary of war; also military experience in Mexican war A. Lincoln experienced as a lawyer, congressman, little military experience Perhaps the South’s greatest advantage. Brilliant, bold military leaders from many military academies Most were West Point graduates. Few Union generals were effective until Grant’s rise during 1862-1864
Virtually no navy at the start of the war Bring the South back into the Union ASAP. Never recognize the South’s independence or right to secede Strangle the South (Anaconda Plan) Defeat Rebel armies, split in two, capture Richmond Fight a defensive war until the Union loses the will to fight Stress how secession is like the Revolutionary War Capture Washington, D.C. Strategies Capital Naval Power Washington, D.C. Richmond, Virginia Large navy which grew even larger as the war progressed. Virtually no navy at the start of the war
Rebels, Rebs, Confederates, Graybacks, , Johnnies Fight for free territory To preserve the Union Emancipation of slaves Fight for new territory To gain independence To save “the Southern way of life” including slavery Cause for Fighting Names for Troops Miscellaneous . Federals, Yanks, Billy Yanks, Yankees Rebels, Rebs, Confederates, Graybacks, , Johnnies Battles fought away from home. Less skill in military arts Immigrants fighting for no purpose that made sense Farm acreage: 65% wheat and corn Divided politically (Copperheads) Traditionally protecting their way of life and their homes. Fought on their own land, which they knew better than enemies Military tradition Violence was a traditional aspect
Why is each of these categories important in terms of war? Population Livestock Farm Acreage Railroad Mileage Firearm Production Textile Production Coal Production Iron Production
Abraham Lincoln President, USA
Jefferson Davis President, CSA