Global Aerospace Industry; One Common Approach IAEG at a glance Board of Directors Chair: Sally Gestautas, Raytheon Vice Chair: Pascal Frou, Safran COO: Bruno Costes, Airbus WG 1 Chemical Reporting Tim Sheehan Lead: Raytheon WG 2 Replacement Technologies Jennifer Branton Lead: Boeing WG 3 Greenhouse Gas Reporting Matthew Payne Lead: Rolls-Royce WG 5 REACH Authorisation Phil Humphries Lead: Rolls-Royce WG 6 Sustainability Survey Fabian Marion Lead: Airbus WG 7 ISO14001 Sectoral Guidance Emily Hansroth Lead: Lockheed Martin IAEG at a glace, it is: A Trade association formed by, and for, the aerospace industry Focused on global laws and regulations impacting health and the environment Addresses the complexity and variability of these requirements and associated impacts The main purposes of IAEG is to create a forum where all industry can come together to discuss current and future issues. We are continuously reviewing and discussing relevant topics and make decisions to expand our scope where appropriate We have six Working Group within IAEG and we have recently added #5 & 6. Industry standard for reporting of chemical content Create a standard and common approach to chemical reporting for the industry. The common data format covers areas such as units of measurement for describing chemical amounts or concentrations, information about the supplier itself, how to define an address or location, and how to refer to chemicals by their common name and CAS number. The current supplier pilot is aimed at testing the data elements and the process for collection to obtain input from suppliers. The team has identified the top 10 industry chemicals and are exploring the possibility for industry R&D collaboration Replacement technologies Working together as an industry to identify replacements for hazardous chemicals will reduce our costs and environmental impact as well as reduce impact to our supply chain and customers by providing common solutions Greenhouse gas reporting Developing aerospace supplemental guidance for greenhouse gas accounting and reporting of corporate emissions, aligned to World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and World Resources Institute’s (WRI) GHG Protocol and ISO 14064 It will be used for voluntary reporting of Scope 1, 2, and limited Scope 3 emissions by aerospace companies. Standard environmental vocabulary When you have a working group of more than 20 companies, having a common understanding of the terms used is very important. This also helps to create less confusion within our supply chains. A draft glossary has been developed and is available for IAEG members. Common industry approach to REACH process authorization IAEG has recently formed a new working group focused on this topic. Part of the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) requirement is that a product sold or imported to Europe, must have a material declaration that states if any of the list of substances of very high concern (SVHC) are in more than 0.1 percent of the total product. To accurately report that information, we must know what chemicals are on all the parts of the airplane, including what our supplier produces. IAEG’s consensus standards will identify a consistent measuring and reporting system Industry sustainability survey Companies seeking to quantify the environmental impact of their supply chains use questionnaires to gather and record information from their suppliers. There are currently many ‘standards’ with numerous different formats, data requirements and vocabulary used. The Working Group will develop a common questionnaire, with agreed-to questions, format and timing would be beneficial to those IAEG member companies now using supply chain questionnaires – we share many of the same suppliers. WG 8 TSCA Inventory Notification Nick Garson Lead: Boeing Working Groups Global Aerospace Industry; One Common Approach