Question and Answer Webinar ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Question and Answer Webinar January 10, 2018 Georgia Department of Education Deborah Houston, Assessment Specialist WIDA Consortium at WCER, UW Madison Ellen Parkhurst, Certified WIDA Trainer © 2015 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of the WIDA Consortium
Topics Training Requirements Review of Test Set-up FAQs: Coding Accommodations MC and RA Scratch paper Attemptedness Criteria Speaking Test Guidance Irregularities Common Administration Errors Georgia’s 2018 Assessment Window Who to Contact for Assistance 11/7/2018
Summary of Training Requirements by Mode/Version For Paper-Based Grades 1-12, all test administrators (examiners) must complete the tutorial, the course, AND the Paper Administration Quiz along with the appropriate Speaking Quiz, grades 1-5 or 6-12, (80% score or above required). Georgia requires all test administrators (examiners) to complete training annually. For Online Grades 1-12, all test administrators (examiners) must complete the tutorial, the course AND the Online Administration Quiz (80% score or above required). Georgia requires all test administrators (examiners) to complete training annually. For Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, Georgia requires test administrators (examiners) to complete the online training course annually. There is a quiz at the end of the course that requires a score of 80% or above. For Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, Georgia requires test administrators (examiners) to complete the online training course annually. There is a quiz at the end of the course that requires a score of 80% or above.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Training for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Today’s ACCESS for ELLs Pre-Administration webinar is intended to supplement – but not replace – the training modules and overview webinars provided by WIDA. Viewing the WIDA training course modules will be critically important to a successful ACCESS for ELLs test administration in your district. Viewing/Review of these materials are a required part of the preparation checklist for test coordinators.
Preparation & Training To access the Webinars: Go to: Assessment ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Preparation & Training The Webinars are listed on the bottom right side of the screen *NOTE: Webinar schedule is in Central Time
Testing Site Manager (TSM) Content Caching and Response Caching Install prior to installing INSIGHT DRC Recommends a maximum of 1 TSM per 150 concurrent testing devices Other Tools: Load Simulation, Ping Trends The testing site manager, referred to as a “TSM,” is a software application that contains a number of software tools to help a district plan, configure, manage, and troubleshoot the online testing environment. One purpose of this software is content caching, which means holding the test items at the ready, and response caching, which is holding the student responses if there are connectivity issues. The TSM must be installed at either the district or school building before the INSIGHT test engine is installed on the testing devices. Your district technology coordinator should take care of this. WIDA and DRC recommend a maximum of 1 TSM per 150 concurrent testing devices. The TSM is useful because it reduces the demand on bandwidth by storing test content. It may be installed on any computer within the local network and it will save student responses if the internet connection between the testing site and DRC is temporarily lost. It is the technology coordinator’s job to assure that your devices are set up appropriately for the assessment. When you return to your school district, you should chat with your principal and find out who your technology coordinator is and if they have begun to prepare for the administration of this assessment. The Technology User Guide is in WIDA AMS in the “General section” under Training materials for Technology Coordinators. We do not cover technology beyond these few slides in this training. Comment for lori: go back and check DRC recommendation for number of users for TSM.
Subscribing to System Status Indicator Go to and locate the link to the DRC System Status Indicator at the bottom of the main page.
Marking Accommodations When a Pre-ID label is Used and on Paper Book Accommodations and Do Not Score Codes for students using Pre-ID Labels may be marked on the paper booklet or in Test Setup. However, WIDA AMS demographic updates will supersede booklet demographic updates. 11/7/2018
FAQ: Coding Accommodations If a student has an accommodation bubbled (paper) and also in WIDA AMS, which code will count? DRC will first look to see if the student has a student record An accommodation marked in AMS, would replace and be used over the bubbled accommodation. 11/7/2018
FAQ: Coding Accommodations If a student only has an accommodation bubbled (paper) and nothing in WIDA AMS, what will DRC use? DRC will first look to see if the student has a student record If AMS is blank, DRC will look for a paper test book If there is a paper test book and the accommodation is bubbled, the accommodation bubbled on the test book would be used 11/7/2018
FAQ: Coding Accommodations If a student only has an accommodation in WIDA AMS and nothing bubbled (paper), what will DRC use? DRC will first look to see if the student has a student record Next, WIDA AMS will be checked and if there is an accommodation marked, this would be used 11/7/2018
FAQ: Coding Allowable Procedures for All ELs: MC and RA Note: The posted 2017-2018 ‘WIDA and Georgia Students with Disabilities Accommodation Coding Crosswalk’ document will not be revised. In Georgia, (manual control of item audio) MC and (repeat item audio) RA, are considered procedures that are allowable for all ELs. Accommodations MC and RA have to be checked for all students within AMS. There are two ways that the mass update for these accommodations can be done. 11/7/2018
FAQ: Coding Allowable Procedures for All ELs: MC and RA Re-upload the students in AMS under Student Management/Manage Students/Upload Multiple Students. NOTE: Avoid creating a new student record A new student record will be created if one of the 6 fields below is different than what was previously uploaded. District Code School Code SSID (GTID) First 6 of Last Name First 6 of First Name Grade Updating any other fields, such as accommodations, will not cause a new student record to be created. 11/7/2018
FAQ: Coding Allowable Procedures for All ELs: MC and RA 2. Within Student Management/Manage Students filter on individual student (by grade or school). Once students are listed, click on the Update Accommodations button at the bottom of the screen and it will allow assigning MC and RA to all students at one time. Recommended for districts with a manageable number of ELs 11/7/2018
FAQ: Coding Allowable Procedures for All ELs: MC and RA WIDA AMS User’s Guide, pages 69-70, for instructions to update MC and RA for all students. 11/7/2018
FAQ: Use of Scratch Paper WIDA defers to State Policy when it comes to the use of scratch paper. Writing Test - should be distributed to each student. Listening and Reading Tests - students may request to use, as needed Speaking Test – discouraged, as students writing a draft of their spoken responses may compromise the validity of the test. GaDOE Guidance: Distribute scratch paper to all students for the Writing Test. Do Not Distribute scratch paper on the Speaking Test. WIDA’s 2017-2018 Test Administration Manual (TAM) pages 74 (paper), and 102 (online). The goal is to be consistent across the district with use of scratch paper. Email from an ESOL Teacher: Instructionally, and daily, I teach my students how to make a PLAN before actually writing (prewrite). ELs typically need this scaffold to be successful in their writing. Now we are being told that for the ACCESS test, they cannot have scratch paper to plan. Are we not aiming to be consistent in both our instructional and testing venues? My students are not instructed on a daily basis to write online with sticky notes. The goal is to be consistent with use of scratch paper for Writing. 11/7/2018
FAQ: Use of Scratch Paper Return materials and Scratch Paper: Securely destroy used scratch paper before materials are returned for scoring. Any student responses written on scratch paper must be transcribed into a response book and appropriately labeled. WIDA’s 2017-2018 Test Administration Manual (TAM) pages 31 (returning materials). 11/7/2018
FAQ: Attemptedness Criteria The attemptedness policy requires evidence that a student is engaged with a scorable test item. For any domain, Paper or Online, that does not have an appropriate Do Not Score code marked on the back of the test booklet or indicated in WIDA AMS, the following will apply: 11/7/2018
FAQ: Attemptedness Criteria ONLINE -Domain Minimum Criteria for “Attempting” the domain: Listening and Reading There is at least one scored item in the domain with a response captured (and visible in the data file). Practice tasks are not scored items and therefore do not count towards an “attempt.” Speaking The student clicked on the ‘Record’ button for at least one scored item. Practice tasks are not scored items and therefore do not count towards an “attempt.” Writing Keyboarding: a visible key stroke is attempted. (Example, a letter, a symbol.) Space bar and returns do not count as attempted. Handwriting: there is some marking on the booklet in the response space. 11/7/2018
FAQ: Attemptedness Criteria PAPER- Domain Minimum Criteria for “Attempting” the domain: Listening and Reading There is one scored item with a response bubbled. Practice tasks are not scored items and therefore do not count towards an “attempt.” Speaking The booklet has been returned with bubbled spaces filled-in on the Speaking response page. Writing There is some marking on the booklet in the response space. 11/7/2018
FAQ: Attemptedness Criteria Minimum Criteria for “Attempting” the domain: Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs (for all domains) There is at least one scored item with a response bubbled. Practice tasks are not scored items and therefore do not count towards an “attempt.” Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (for all domains) 11/7/2018
FAQ: Speaking Test Administration Timing Group vs. Individual Delivery Speaking Test Audio Microphone Check Button and Icons Monitoring Student Progress Troubleshooting Speaking Test Audio WIDA’s 2017-2018 Test Administration Manual (TAM), Speaking Test Administration, pages 138-145. 11/7/2018
Definition A testing irregularity is any deviation from standard test administration procedures or test security protocols.
Avoiding Testing Irregularities Test Security – Adhere to test security policies, protocols and procedures. Test Administration – Adhere to test administration policies, protocols, and procedures. Active Student Monitoring – Reinforce the use of active monitoring in testing environments. Accommodations Application – Properly identify all students who should receive accommodations prior to testing. Unexpected Events – In the event of an evacuation, testing interruption, or other unexpected event, have a plan in place to quickly secure testing environments and/or materials. SAFETY FIRST
Steps to Reporting an Irregularity 11/7/2018
Common Test Administration Errors Online Test Administration errors including but not limited to – test tickets, test assignments, timing, and accommodations errors. Test Examiner or other personnel failed to follow administration directions for the test. Teaching aids are displayed in the testing environment during testing. Student disruptions for any reason. 11/7/2018
Irregularity Reporting Continuum Portal Entry Optional Portal Entry Required Document locally, no coding required; minimal impact Immediate contact not necessary; coded IR but invalidation unlikely Contact Assessment Specialist as soon as possible; potential invalidation or requires GaDOE or DRC intervention. Very brief interruption, ex. student uses restroom or loss of workstation connection that is quickly restored All call Bell ringing for class change or fire alarm that is quickly silenced Cell phone ringing or discovered but not used to gain advantage or capture secure content Sections given out of order Student completes a section but is unable to start a subsequent section the same day Paper test takers going ahead one-day administration (contact DOE if two-day administration) Accommodations error, especially TTS if discovered immediately Student exits no-calculator section and did not complete Student leaves testing mid-section and cannot return the same day Suspected cheating or coaching; possible need to report to PSC Paper test taker going back to a previous section Whole school or district impacted Incorrect answer document or test ticket 11/7/2018
Common Irregularities Accommodations Error: An accommodations error occurs when a Test Examiner fails to provide an examinee with a documented accommodation or provides the examinee with an accommodation that is not documented and therefore is not appropriate. 11/7/2018
Accommodations Error What to do if this occurs: If the student hasn’t started testing, assign the accommodation, print out a new test ticket and begin testing. If the student has started testing, you will need to contact your Assessment Specialist. How to avoid this issue: Train all staff involved about accommodations Proper training Verify test tickets Communications between test coordinator and special education coordinator Reviewing reports in WIDA AMS 11/7/2018
Accommodations Error How to avoid an incorrectly assigned accommodation: Go to WIDA AMS Select Student Management > Manage Students You can choose a single school or receive a report for all schools in your district Choose Administration Domain: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Online Type: Online Accommodation Click Find Students Export Students 11/7/2018
Review Test Ticket Check Test Ticket for: Section Student Name GTID Test Session Verify Accommodations 11/7/2018
Incorrect Test Assigned What to do if this occurs: If the student didn’t take the test, remove the student from the incorrect test session and assign to the correct test session. If the student has started testing, you will need to contact your Assessment Specialist. How to avoid this issue: Proper training Verify tests given in WIDA AMS 11/7/2018
Test Timing Georgia’s guidance follows WIDA’s guidance which allows use of professional judgement to determine appropriate time to end the test. Refer to guidance pertaining to ‘Test Timing’ in WIDA’s 2017-2018 Test Administration Manual (TAM) pages 72-73 (paper) and pages 99-100 (online). As a reminder, for students with the accommodation of extended time, GaDOE’s guidance is no more than 1-1/2 of the allowable time for the test. 11/7/2018
Test Timing Paper Online Listening: Up to 40 minutes Reading: Up to 45 minutes Speaking: 15-35 minutes /student Writing Tier A, Grade 1: Up to 35 minutes Writing Tier A Grades 2, 3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12: Up to 60 minutes Writing Tier B/C: Up to 65 minutes Listening: Up to 40 minutes Reading: Up to 35 minutes Speaking: Up to 30 minutes Writing Tier A: Up to 50 minutes Writing Tier B/C: Up to 65 minutes 11/7/2018
FAQs: On FAQs: essment/ACCESS20.aspx#faqs 11/7/2018
All materials shall be returned to WIDA DRC by Friday, March 9, 2018 Georgia’s 2018 Window January 16 – March 2, 2018 The state window is seven weeks. Systems may utilize the entire window, as needed. All eligible students who are enrolled during the window, shall be tested. The window for ACCESS for ELLs and the Alternate ACCESS overlap. All materials shall be returned to WIDA DRC by Friday, March 9, 2018 Grades 1-3 Writing Booklets WIDA asks that school systems return Grades 1-3 Writing Booklets as early as possible. School systems do not have to wait until the end of the test window to return paper materials to WIDA DRC! 11/7/2018
Questions or Concerns? Need Help? CONTACT WIDA FOR . . . ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Suite Training Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 (Paper-based) ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Grades 1-12 (Paper-based) ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Grades 1-12 (Online Administration) Alternate ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Grades 1-12 (Paper-based) ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Test Administration Procedures (Online and Paper- based) WIDA Website User Accounts Contact the WIDA Client Services Center, 866-276-7735, 11/7/2018
Questions or Concerns? Need Help? CONTACT DRC FOR . . . WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS) • ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online and Paper-based Materials Ordering • ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online Administration Technology o DRC Testing Site Manager (TSM) o DRC INSIGHT (online test software) • WIDA AMS/ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online Technical Issues • ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Data and Reporting Contact Data Recognition Corp (DRC), 855-787-9615, 11/7/2018
Questions or Comments? State Contact: For questions specific to Georgia’s ACCESS for ELLs® test administration contact Deborah Houston, Assessment Division: (404) 657-0251 or For questions specific to Georgia’s W-APT and ESOL support of ELs, contact Jacqueline Ellis, ESOL: (404) 463-1858 or Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) : 855-787-9615 or WIDA Client Services Center: 866-276-7735 or ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 webpage: Now we are going to respond to questions that you posed during the presentation and any you may still have. I am now going to take a moment to read through the questions. If we do not get to your specific question, please email DRC directly if your question is related to ordering test materials, technology or WIDA AMS. For any other questions, please email our Client Services Center directly and they will be happy to help. WIDA looks forward to working with educators on the launch of the new online test!