How to Create and Deliver Effective Research Poster Presentations
What is a research poster? Means of presenting research in a public setting, such as a symposium.
What are the important elements of an effective research poster presentation? Main points are delivered quickly Text is readable from a distance What is the difference between serif and sans-serif fonts? Serif fonts like Times New Roman, Courier New and Garamond have little “feet” for easier reading. Sans-serif fonts like Arial, Calibri and Verdana have no (sans) “feet” and are considered better for titles. Language is clear and understandable by non-specialists Avoid jargon (field-specific words)
What are the important elements of an effective research poster presentation? Data is in figures and/or tables—not the middle of text Don’t expect people to read the text. Design catches your eye Use attractive colors and compelling pictures/figures. Don’t forget the colorblind. Avoid combinations such as green/blue, green/red, blue/purple, blue/grey. Can generate and drive a conversation You should include enough information to invite people to ask questions.
General Formatting Tips Titles should be straight to the point Think about your audience as you create your title, avoiding jargon as needed. Use bullet points whenever possible Avoid creating too many sections (abstract, introduction, etc.) Combine elements to keep your headings to a minimum. Maintain a consistent style (fonts, etc.) and even columns
Scholar Development Undergraduate Research Symposium Guidelines MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS WIDTH: 48 inches (4 feet) HEIGHT: 36 inches (3 feet)
Research Poster Layout The following is only one of many layouts you may use:
Research Poster Templates Many templates are available online:
Printing Research Posters Current Freshman Research Scholars and Wentz Research Grant recipients may print their symposium poster in the Office of Scholar Development 040 Student Union or email to Latasha: O Pricing Formatting Width of paper must be no more than 36 inches (3 feet). Scholar Development will print posters in the order they’re received. Please allow 24 hours for before poster pick-up. Until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 18 – PLAN AHEAD! BRING ORIGINAL FILE Matte Glossy Spot or Full Color $10
Symposium Schedule | Friday, April 20, 2018 Student Union Ballroom Room 265, 2nd Floor 1:00 to 1:30 p.m. Poster Setup | Presentation boards will be available to display posters, but presenters should bring their own tacks. 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Poster Evaluation | Presenters should be standing by their posters ready to answer questions from the judges by 1:30 p.m. 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. General Poster Browsing |Presenters will be assigned to one of two groups. One will need to stand with their posters to answer questions from 3:00-3:30 p.m. while the other group will browse. From 3:30-4:00 the groups will swap roles to allow everyone a chance to browse. Program 4:00-4:15 Welcome 4:15-4:30 Speakers 4:30-5:00 Presentation of Awards
Presenting Your Poster Let people browse your poster and start the conversation. Most people will ask for a general summary of your project. Answer with a 2-4 minute statement—often similar to your abstract—that explains: Why you asked your research question What methodology you used (Be general and concise.) What results you found and what you think they mean Be ready to answer questions. Remember the sentence: “That is beyond the scope of this study.” Be gracious and accept criticism as intellectual stimulation.
Dress Guidelines Business Attire Business Casual Attire Women Solid color, conservative suit with coordinated blouse, moderate shoes, tan or light pantyhose, limited jewelry Neat, professional personal appearance Nice but comfortable shoes! Men Solid color, conservative suit, long sleeve shirt, conservative tie, dark socks, professional shoes Business Casual Attire Women Neat khaki, corduroy, twill or cotton pants or skirts Sweaters, twinsets, cardigans, polo/knit shirts Solid colors work better than bright patterns Men Neat khaki, gabardine or cotton pants Cotton long-sleeved button-down shirts, pressed, polo shirts or knit shirts with a collar; tie optional Leather shoes and belt *There is no need to go out and purchase a suit or tie. Just look professional. Remember you will be on your feet for several hours, so please keep this in mind when making shoe choices!
Please register for the symposium by Wednesday, April 4! The link to registration has been emailed to you several times, or you can find it on the Symposium tab on our website. Indicate a rough number of how many guests you will have at registration. Upon registration an email will be sent to both your faculty mentor and your advisor. Feel free to tell your friends and professors about the open browse session from 3-4 PM! If you have photos of you doing your research, you can attach these to your registration OR email them to Remember to submit your final evaluation (or report for Wentz Researchers) one week after the symposium.