2018 SOUTHWEST/SOUTHEAST REGION LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE JUNE 28 & 29, 2018 ARMA Chapter Officer Roles & Responsibilities Training - President “Building for a Better Board of Directors & Chapter Year!” Presenters: ARMA SW Region Officers & Chapter Leaders
Executive Officer Roles: President Past President Immediate Past Pres.
President & Presiding Officer Roles & Responsibilities Training Co-Presented by:
President’s Duties: CEO of the Chapter and presiding officer at all meetings of the board and the general membership. Sets specific, realistic & obtainable goals for the chapter during his/her term. Issues calls for board meetings & prepares meeting agendas. Keeps the board informed of all chapter activities. Receives reports from each board member, obtains necessary action and gives the reports to the Secretary. Represents the chapter to external organizations, the SW Region and ARMA International.
President’s Duties 2: Signs checks in absence of treasurer and authorizes contracts with the approval and instructions of the board. Prepares reports on chapter activities to the SW ARMA Region Manager. Compiles and submits an annual report by June 30 of the chapter year. Acknowledges correspondence addressed to chapter and prepares letters of thanks, condolences, congratulations, etc. and official chapter communications. Assures that the chapter will have a groomed Ex VP to serve as future President.
President’s Duties 3: Appoints chairman of all standing committees with Board approval, appoints special committees. Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees except the LRP and Nominating Committees. Identifies and mentors future chapter leaders.
President’s Duties 4: The President of the Chapter, or his/her representative in his/her absence, is considered the presiding officer, or “chair” person presiding over meetings of Chapter and the Board of Directors. Calls the meeting to order. Announces the board/chapter business. Presents the agenda for acceptance. Asks for Committee Reports. Recognizes members entitled to the floor.
President’s Duties 5: States and puts to vote all motions, or questions, which are moved and seconded. Announces the results of votes. Expedites business in every way. Entertains a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Immediate Past President & Past President Roles & Responsibilities Training Presented by:
Immediate Past Pres. Duties: Ensures continuity from 1 administration to next. Serves as chairperson of the Nominating Comm. Guides the activities of the Awards Committee Appoints a Chapter Historian. Supervises COTY submission to ARMA Internat’l. Assumes responsibilities as assigned by the Board Identifies and mentors future chapter leaders. Responsible for installation of new chapter officers.
Past President’s Duties: Chair-person of Long Range Planning Committee. Leads development of long range chapter plans. Oversees the Teller Committee. Performs other duties as assigned by the Board. Identifies and mentor future chapter leaders.