Desiring Rome: Ovidian erotic elegy RCS Term 2, Lecture 2 Desiring Rome: Ovidian erotic elegy
Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 10.1.93: ‘In elegy, too, we challenge the Greeks. The most refined and elegant author seems to me to be Tibullus. Some prefer Propertius. Ovid is more lascivious (lascivior) than these two; Gallus is stiffer (durior).’
elegia queror = I complain, I lament
The elegiac flute: calamus harundo
Love elegy’s girls Antimachus of Colophon (5-4 c. BCE): Lyde Gallus: Lycoris Tibullus: Delia Propertius: Cynthia Ovid: Corinna
Influences Epigram New comedy Mime Pastoral poetry Oratory and rhetoric
Space/scale Time Politics Ethics gender
Counter-cultural elegy/lover The rebel lover rejects traditional vehicles and arenas for Roman masculine identity: The law /the forum (yet amor is rhetoric) The army /battlefield (militia amoris instead) Public political life / the senate
Otium - negotium - officium Leisure - work - duty A life of leisure Otium - negotium - officium Leisure - work - duty
productive anagrams… AMOR – MORA Roma - amor mora = delay, deferral
Servitium amoris / amor servae
LUSUS - Play
Love without end Imperium sine fine … amor sine fine …
Global fame: totus orbis (= ‘the whole world’) In toto semper canter in orbe (Amores 1.15.8) Canetur toto nomen in orbe meum (Ars 2.740) Dum toto canter in orbe (Remedia 363)
Amores 1.1 arma gravi numero violentaque bella parabam Arms and the violent deeds of war I was preparing, in weighty rhythm… Aeneid 1.1: arma virumque cano Aeneid 6.86: bella, horrida bella…cerno
Neo-Hellenistic compactness Keywords Tenuitas = slenderness Brevitas = brevity
recusatio = ‘refusal’ Callimachus, Aetia prologue Virgil Eclogues 6.3ff. Propertius 3.3 Horace Odes 4.15.1ff.
‘castrated’ hexameters? Hexameter (6 metrical ‘feet’) - - /- -/ - -/- -/- -/- - -uu/-uu/-uu/-uu / -u Pentameter (5 metrical ‘feet’) - /- - / - //-uu / - uu / - -uu/-uu/- //-uu / - uu /u
Two epigrams… Qui modo Nasonis fueramus quinque libelli, tres sumus; hoc illi praetulit auctor opus. ut iam nulla tibi nos sit legisse voluptas, at levior demptis poena duobus erit. Ille ego qui quondam gracili modulatus avena carmen, et egressus silvis vicina coegi ut quamvis avido parerent arva colono, gratum opus agricolis, at nunc horrentia Martis (arma virumque cano…)