The Internet Week 2
Cyberspace- Definitions People using the new technology to communicate with one another Person to person communication - that is many-to-many The use of computer technology
Everyday Uses in Cyberspace Word Processing, Document preparation Telecommuting, Teleworking Children’s games, Recreation
Everyday Uses of Cyberspace 1990’s until Today Children’s school work, Education Adult Remote Education at home Family/Friends Communications, Correspondence Reading News events, casual reading Family Travel, Recreation Family Records Home Banking, Financial Management Facebook, etc.
Everyday Uses of Cyberspace In-store and other purchases ATM, Debit card Home Shopping TV, on-line services, Smartphones Food Preparation multimedia, TV, On-line services
Everyday Uses of Cyberspace Future (almost here) Household Automated Tasks Smart home Smart appliances Home robotics Home information systems
The Internet Worldwide connection 84,000,000,000 webpages 4.1B users TCP/IP
Internet History 1960’s - ARPA packet switching 1970’s - Universities LAN Email UNIX Newsgroups
Internet History 1980’s - MILnet, NSFnet DNS No longer only research oriented (business) TCP/IP reliable, efficient?, robust
Internet History 1990’s until Today WWW born Commercialization Advertisements Ordinary people publish Smartphones Video Streaming
Reason for Success? No central authority Inexpensive Capabilities are popular Easy to use
Impacts of WWW Opening of access to information Reduction of delay for information Evolution of hypertext
Metcalfe’s Law The value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of its users
Original Uses Remote Login File Transfer Research
The Basic Uses of the Net E-mail Discussion groups File transfer Long distance computing Research Data/Image Transfer General Communications
E-Mail - Uses Send messages Work Personal MIME capabilities
E-Mail - Advantages No busy signal Always an answer Reader can view at any time Cost effective Fast Reliable
E-Mail - Advantages Facilitates teleworking Promotes communication that would normally not take place due to costs
E-Mail - Disadvantages Have to be networked to use it Not 100% reliable Who else is reading the mail?
Discussion Groups - Uses Share ideas Education Spread beliefs to others
Discussion Groups - Disadvantages Anonymity - Who is really there with you? Subject matter digresses Truth of information unconfirmed
Other Uses Banking Shopping Telemedicine Education General source of “information” Personal Connections
Advantages No need to get in a car Saves $ Exposure to things not available before Reach more people
Disadvantages Privacy Secure transfers of information Hackers Can’t use everywhere Children and censorship Illegal activity - piracy, gambling