Colleges at Pace University By Alyssa Rutkauski Sara Rappa Siddharth Shah John Kakalecz Colleges at Pace University
Dyson currently has more than 3,300 registered undergraduate students and more that 860 registered graduate students in over 50 programs, spanning the arts, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, health and pre-professional sciences (including pre-medicine and pre-law). The College also offers numerous courses open to all Pace undergraduates that fulfill the Core Curriculum requirements, allowing students to design a course of study tailored to achieve their personal educational and career goals. In small classes taught by caring faculty who are active practitioners in their fields, Dyson offers extraordinarily innovative liberal arts programs at convenient multi-campus locations in New York City and Westchester County as well as numerous online and “blended” courses. Dyson College
Degrees at Dyson Biology and Health Science Chemistry and Physical Science Communications and Science Disorders Criminal justice Communications Studies Economics English Forensic Science History Latin American Studies Physiology and Religious Studies Physicians assistant studies Political Science Performing arts Women’s and Gender Studies
Famous Alumni From Dyson Rachel Ray Michelle Borth Paul Dano Glenn Taranto
Pace University LUBIN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Is a diverse school that offers many business program to undergrad and graduate students
Majors Marketing Finance Business Management Accounting (offers 5 year CPA program) There are 3,043 who are undergrad Business major makes up majority of the students
Famous Alumni of Lubin James E. Quinn - President, Tiffany & Co Richard Grasso - Chairman & CEO (1995-2003) of the New York Stock Exchange- Ivan G. Seidenberg - President & CEO, Verizon James E. Quinn - President, Tiffany & Co Marie J. Toulantis - CEO, Barnes & Edward F. Murphy - Executive Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Major of 25 students for Business
Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems
Undergraduate Degree Programs Associate Degrees: Applied Information Technology, Networking Technology Concentration Applied Information Technology, Personal Computer Applications Concentration Applied Information Technology, Telecommunications Concentration Applied Information Technology, Video Technology Concentration Applied Information Technology, Wireless Networking Concentration
Bachelor’s Degrees Computer Science, BA/BS Information Systems, BBA/BS Information Technology, BS (Available Fall 2010) Professional Computer Studies, BS Professional Technology Studies, BS
Combined Degrees Computer Science/Information Systems, BA/MS Computer Science/Telecommunications, BA/MS Technology Systems/Information Systems, BS/MS Computer Science, BA/MS Computer Science/Software Development and Engineering, BS/MS
Majors in Seidenberg