The International Year Of Evaluation 2015 Road Map
Declaring 2015 as the International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear) An opportunity for; Govts to take the leadership, policy makers to take the policy discussion forward, VOPEs to support relevant initiatives in strengthening demand and use of evaluation!
EvalYear, an opportunity to strengthen evaluation EvalYear, a catalyst to promote demand and use of evaluation in policy-making Inauguration of EvalYear at country level Evaluation policy process at country level Promote national evaluation capacity building Strengthening work with parliamentarians and policy makers (enabling environment) Strengthening stakeholders and facilitate collaboration/ partnerships among them
EvalYear is a catalyst EY for demand and use of evaluation Govt, civil society and parliaments partnership UN/ Donors/ commitment for evaluation Evaluation policy/ systems development Evaluation capacity building
Inauguration of EvalYear Work with govts and other key stakeholders Aiming at least one key event which can promote evaluation in each country Examples; –Evaluation week –Inauguration ceremony at ministry level –Inauguration of national evaluation policy/ system/ guidelines –Establishment of evaluation office at presidents office/ ministry/ parliament
Evaluation policy process at country level Launching the global mapping findings/ report Identify key stakeholders at country level for national evaluation policy process Working with and support to key stakeholders for evalpolicy process Global focus on evalpolicy and simultaneous action around the world
Promote national evaluation capacity building Partnership with govts, UN/donors, VOPEs and civil society Govts play an important role in capacity building Particular attention on CB of parliaments (legislation), policy makers and the govt Promote national ownership and participation
Evaluation capacity building Govts UN/ Donors/ Civil society Parliaments/ policy makers VOPEs
Strengthening work with parliamentarians and policy makers Support emerging parliamentarians groups Facilitate experience sharing among parliamentarians groups Working with and support to parliamentarians in national evaluation policy process Working with regional bodies such as SAARC
Strengthening stakeholders and facilitate collaboration among them Capacity building of stakeholders Networking and support for EvalYear Joint initiatives by stakeholders at country and regional level Facilitate sharing best practices among stakeholders
Are we ready? Are we ready to be the best example of; Govt, parliamentarians and VOPE working together to advance evaluation culture/ use of evaluation in our own countries? What more should be done?
Declaring 2015 as the International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear) We, evaluators from all over the world, declare 2015 as the international year of evaluation