Understanding two and three year olds Ms. Perez
Bell ringer Which of these drawings was made by a two year old?
Physical Development of a two year old Top heavy Center of gravity is focused downwards Can usually run and jump without falling
Gross motor development of two year olds Can sit on a riding toy and push by moving their feet Enjoying playing with balls Can kick without falling Sometimes they fall when they throw them
Fine motor development Hand preference is a new concept Will eat with right but play with left Rapidly developing Can insert keys into locks Turn book pages one at a time
Fine motor development Children will scribble at this age Build about six-seven block tall towers
Self Help Skills Can drink from a cup or a glass Use spoon to feed themselves However they may spill often Can revert back to using hands Begin to cooperate in dressing Snap pants okay
Cognitive Development Language comprehension Understanding of language Can usually identify six body parts Can provide appropriate answers to yes and no questions Can answer “where” and “what is this” questions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzWtMNZzCjo&feature=related
Cognitive Development Expressive language Ability to produce language forms Express thoughts to another Speech usually involves simple sentences “Bobby hurt” “I go home”
At your table create an example of expressive language a two year old would say.
How to aid in expressive language Feeding in Strategy where you provide the child’s language “You are playing with the blocks” Kind of like narrating their life
How to aid in expressive language Expansion Adding to their vocabulary by reframing what they say If they say “cars” you say “that is a blue car”
At your table create an example using expansion
Expressive language Around 27-30 months children may start to use prepositions “Cookies in jar” Average vocabulary is 50-200 words Often they use words without fully understanding them Girls generally develop language skills faster then boys
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2EertzeHjM What else was this parent doing??
Math Readiness Skills Developed as children interact with each other and objects Begin to sort by color and shape Understand size concepts “big vs. small” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fjquqXZvos
Social development of a two year old parallel play Play next to each other Like instant gratification What does that mean? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbsgXKvTGCQ
Physical in their responses May hit, push, or bite a child who approaches their child Possessive Use body language to let people know how they feel about their possessions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbsgXKvTGCQ What is being demonstrated during this video?
Affectionate towards adults Enjoying helping adults Need to receive in return Enjoying helping adults
Emotional development of two year olds Like to control their surroundings Trying to do a task that is to difficult may frustrate them and cause anger Anger not usually directed at one person or object
Often are scared of getting hurt Fear is common Often are scared of getting hurt Some fear has to do with their imagination Even imagined fears are REAL to toddlers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5WB2tbNxMQ
Need to build trust and security Routines help develop this
Teaching two-year olds When guiding be firm but gentle “No” is their favorite word May say “no” but mean “yes” They are egocentric They think everyone thinks, feels, and thinks like them
Need lots of transition time High noise levels Gross motor activity is their favorite
Like to act out of life experience or imitating What area of pre-school is best for this?
Routines are important Story time daily
Watch “Not-so-terrible-twos”
Bell ringer: Put these three year old milestones in order: Hold crayon between thumb and finger Magical Thinking occurs Imaginary friend Aware of differences between themselves and others
Imaginary friend 3 years Aware of differences between themselves and others 3 1/4 years Magical Thinking occurs 3 1/2 years Hold crayon between thumb and finger 3 3/4 years
Three Year Olds Physical Development Much better at body coordination Less top heavy The are more streamlined Walking appears more natural because they can walk without their legs spread apart
Gross Motor Development Better coordination They can throw, jump, and hop without any difficulty They now can climb Can ride tricycles
Fine Motor Development Block towers are nine to ten blocks high Can draw simple shapes Demo Cutting skills become more refined Can cut across paper, but not follow lines
Self help skills Turn on water facet by themselves Can transfer water to a pitcher MOST should be potty trained Better at dressing themselves Open buckles, put on shoes that do not tie Still not able to do small buttons and hooks Have issues telling the front of clothing from the back
Cognitive Development Don’t fully understand time concepts Solve simple problems Ex. Put an object under a cup and nothing under another cup the child will be able to tell you which object the cup is under
Language comprehension skills Begin to understand pronouns You, they Can remember three part instructions Go to the bathroom, wash your hands, and dry them on the towel
Understand words like up, down, apart, Who, whose, why, how -Understand ideas like around, in front of, in back of, next to
Construct a sentence using the vocabulary words that three year olds would understand
Expressive language skills Know 900 words Make a sentence of 4-5 words May even put a sentence together using a conjunction “I went to the store and bought candy.”
Create a sentence that a three year old would say using a conjugation
Understand possessive nouns My toy, Mommy’s car Understand the difference between past and present tense Daddy walked, Mommy went,
Start to question things Understand negatives Can’t, don’t, nothing I can’t go outside Start to question things Why does the dog bark
Constantly talk out loud to themselves “Susie is taking a walk, I see a dog, I am tired, lets go home” Narrate their lives
Math readiness skills Counting skills begin at this age A lot of the songs have to do with counting Understand the concept of full, more, less then, empty, largest (by month 42) Like to compare objects asking if things are bigger or smaller
Can distinguish between one and many Pick out one piece of candy
Social Development Like to help others Learning positive ways to get attention Adjust to new people more easily Not as possessive
Start to learn gender roles What behavior is expected of boys and girls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWc1e3Nbc2g
Emotional development Strong and visible emotions When they are happy, you can tell When they are upset you can tell However they are beginning to understand ways to control emotions Won’t hit as music as two-year olds, will use words to tell them that is their toy or to stop it
Self concept is developed Affectionate and seek affection in return Still scared of imagined fears, not scared of things they know The dark Likely to become angry when things do not go their way However they direct their anger at objects, not people
Teaching three-year olds Happy, social agreeable Easy to please Enjoy playing alone and with others Becoming independent “I can do it” Need to show them you value their independence
Create a venn diagram of two and three year old’s Include at least five things that are different about each age Include at least four things that are similar This is an individual assignment
When done, discuss similarities and differences at your table.
At your table come up with a scenario describing a way a two year olds would act in pre-school and the way a three year old would act We will share and guess which is which as a class.
Example: Jeremy get’s angry when Ladonna is playing with a toy, he walks over and grabs the toy from her. Is Jeremy two or three? Which category of development does this fall under?
Example: Cindy is done with her art project, she walks over to the sink to turn it on and wash her hands. Is Cindy two or three? What area of development does this fall under?