Bio 32 Review (R1): Chap 1 Structural Organization Levels in Human Body (Fig. 1.1)
R (Bio 32 review): Chap 11 Nervous System (Fig. 11.2)
Fig. 15.1
R: Ch. 4 *Four major tissue types: muscular, nervous, connective, epithelial *Also Glandular Epithelia & Secretions Fig. 4.3
R: Ch. 3 Cell structure, organelles with function, plasma membrane (enables hormone production and release) (Fig. 3.2)
R: Ch. 3 Interstitial space (Fig. 1.2)
R: Ch. 2 Chemistry: 4 major macromolecule types (pro. , lip. , carb R: Ch. 2 Chemistry: 4 major macromolecule types (pro., lip., carb., nucl. acids) 51 AAs together make hormone Insulin (image not in your text)
(image not in your text)
Fig 15.2
Fig 15.3
R: Ch. 3 Cell: Protein Synthesis Fig. 3.4 & Fig. 3.33
R: Negative Feedback (use Fig. 1.5 regarding body temperature)
(image not in your text)
(image not in your text)
(image not in your text)
Fig 15.4 Post Lecture Assignment: How hormone release is regulated.