Introduction to Year 12 Physics Zahra Pirvali Murray Thompson
Introduction to Year 12 Physics SACE Board
Introduction to Year 12 Physics Motion in Two Dimensions Topic 1: Projectile Motion Application: Projectiles in Sport Topic 2: Uniform Circular Motion Application: The Banking of Road Curves Topic 3: Gravitation and Satellites Application: Weather and Communication Satellites Topic 4: Momentum in Two Dimensions Application: Spacecraft Propulsion
Introduction to Year 12 Physics Electricity and Magnetism Topic 1: Electric Fields Application: Photocopiers and Laser Printers Topic 2: The Motion of Charged Particles in Electric Fields Application: The Use of Electric Fields in Cyclotrons Topic 3: Magnetic Fields Application: The Moving-coil Loudspeaker Topic 4: The Motion of Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields Application: The Use of Magnetic Fields in Cyclotrons
Introduction to Year 12 Physics Light and Matter Topic 1: Electromagnetic Waves Application: Laser Airborne Depth Sounder (LADS) Topic 2: The Interference of Light Application: Compact Discs Topic 3: Photons Application: The Use of X-rays in Medicine Topic 4: Wave Behaviour of Particles Application: Electron Microscopes
Introduction to Year 12 Physics Atoms and Nuclei Topic 1: The Structure of the Atom Application: Lasers Topic 2: The Structure of the Nucleus Application: The Production of Radioisotopes Topic 3: Radioactivity Application: Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Topic 4: Nuclear Fission and Fusion Application: Fission Nuclear Power
Introduction to Year 12 Physics
Introduction to Year 12 Physics If there is no air between Earth and Mars what does the rocket push against to get to Mars? If almost all of the fuel is used to escape the Earth’s gravity, how can the rocket make all the way to Mars? How do they calculate the orbits around Earth and Mars? What keeps a satellite in orbit? What is weightlessness? How can they work out how much force is required to slow the capsule down in 7 minutes? What is 7g? What alternatives can be used to power a space craft?
Welcome to Stage 2 Physics Text Physics KEY IDEAS Parts 1 & 2 (3rd edition)
Welcome to Stage 2 Physics Skills and Assessment Tasks 30% Investigations Folio 40% Practical Investigations Issues Investigation External examination 30%
Welcome to Stage 2 Physics You are expected to do about 4 hours of work in Physics per week in addition to programmed time.
Welcome to Stage 2 Physics 1 ½ hours -weekly assignment 1 ½ hours -studying and learning from texts and notes etc 1 hour - Information Search, practical preparation, essays etc This is a rough guide only.