Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics N Langer PDF Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics Georges Lemaître Came up with a theory of the expansion of the universe, based on Einstein’s GR. "the Cosmic Egg exploding at the moment of the creation" Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics Ylem, the hot cosmic soup at the beginning George Gamow Fred Hoyle Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics Alas, Gamov could not get past the ‘barrier’ at mass 5. Mr. Tomkins leaps the mass 5 gap! Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler and Hoyle Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics Nuclear Shell Model Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics Solar Neutrnio Experiment Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics The pp-chain reactions starts at temperatures around 4×106 K making it the dominant energy source in smaller stars. A self-maintaining CNO chain starts at approximately 15×106 K, but its energy output rises much more rapidly with increasing temperatures. At approximately 17×106 K, the CNO cycle starts becoming the dominant source of energy. The Sun has a core temperature of around 15.7×106 K, and only 1.7% of 4He nuclei produced in the Sun are born in the CNO cycle. Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics Book eqs. 6.25, 6.26 Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics The half-life of 5Li is 3.7×10−22 s and that of 8Be is 6.7×10−17 s Need a RESONANCE to up the reaction rate. The beryllium-8 ground state has almost exactly the energy of two alpha particles. In the second step, 8Be + 4He has almost exactly the energy of an excited state of 12C. Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics
Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics