Transition Year 2 – Year 3 William Read Primary School Your child will have settled into the school routines and you will be aware of many of our school policies and procedures. We would like to give you information about expectations and slight changes that happen when your child moves into year 3. We will also be giving you information about ways that you can support your child.
The school timetable 8:50 - 9:00 Registration 9:00 – 10:45 Lesson 1 10:45 – 11:00 Break – 12:30 Lesson 2 12:30-1:30 Lunch 1:30 – 2:00 Guided Reading 2.00 – 3.15Lesson 3
The curriculum The Curriculum is more focussed on the basic skills in literacy and mathematics Discrete lessons for literacy and maths Focus on handwriting, punctuation and spelling. Targeted support for reading and maths – Toe by Toe, RM Maths, Lexia
Foundation subjects History Geography Religious Education Art Design and technology Science PSCHE Music PE The curriculum will be changing over the next year with a focus on phonics and key literacy and numeracy skills
Our curriculum Themed approach to support basic skills. Half termly or termly themes Autumn Term 1.Roman Soldiers 2.Endangered animals Spring Term 1. Endangered animals 2. Peaks Challenge Summer Term 1.Come to Canvey 2.Shadow theatre
Assessment for learning strategies Learning objective Success criteria Self assessment Peer assessment Talk partners Role and responsibilities (group work) Pupils will have targets for literacy and mathematics and will know their levels
Target setting There will be pupil progress meetings throughout the year Pupils are tracked and if they are not making expected progress we will put in systems to support your child and discuss this with you Lessons are planned so that work is differentiated to meet the needs of your child Pupils will be set for mathematics
Expectations of levels Termly report sheets will be given to parents and carers to inform you of your childs levels in reading, writing and mathematics. Comments are also made regarding homework and effort. Pupils who are on track for a level 4 at the end of year 6 would be expected to attain a level 2C or above at the end of year 2. By the end of year 3 they should have moved to a level 2B or above. Pupils who are on track for a level 5 at the end of year 6 would be expected to attain level 3C or above at the end of year 2 and progress to a level 3B or above at the end of year 3.
Writing Stories, chronological and non chronological reports, cross curricular e.g. science experiment Punctuation – capital letters and full stops, commas, exclamation marks, question marks, speech marks Content – writing for a purpose, quality not quantity Using connectives to link sentences together, adjectives to describe settings, characters and emotions, past and present tenses Using spelling strategies, checking and redrafting work
Mathematics Using and applying skills to problem solving – real life cross curricular links e.g. science graphs and interpreting tables of information Times tables and division facts Number – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division Shape, space and measure – 2D and 3D shapes, measuring quantities
Big Write, Big Maths and Guided reading Big Write to continue as it has made a positive impact on standards across the school (2012 results yr 6 level 4 writing – 75%, level 5 – 33%) Big Maths to be introduced in September – problem solving and applying activities Mental maths strategy booklets Guided reading sessions focus on comprehension and questioning to support reading.
Expectation in Year 3 Positive attitude – behaviour More independence- PE kit (no earrings on PE days) Effort Pupil voice- school council/playleaders Homework School uniform (wearing a tie) Parental help and support Homework club Internet Safety (Xbox, Facebook etc.)
Reading in Year 3 Encourage your child to read 5 times a week Literacy lessons: text focus, fiction and non- fiction, word level work (letters and sounds) Cross-curricular links Guided reading and comprehension Reading assessments Reading skills – phonics, structure of the text, characters, plot, adjectives, definitions, expression Support for reading in school- Rapid Readers, Toe by Toe, Lexia
Homework Homework will consist of: Weekly spellings/strategies Reading Tables Revision Research Completing tasks Science Maths English Your child will be expected to complete their homework on time and check their diaries regularly. Homework will be stuck into the childs yellow homework book
Enriching learning activities If the school organises a special event or a trip we will ask for a contribution towards the cost. Please support the school, if we do not get enough contributions to cover the cost it is sometimes necessary to cancel the event/trip Please support any fundraising organised by the Friends of William Read. We have an active Parent Council who meet every half term Swimming in the summer term