Digital Learning in Portree Primary School
Technology In PPS is changing Our normal computers are soon to be taken away but… Everyone in P6 and P7 will have the use of their own Chromebook in School P1-5 classes will be given up to 5 Chromebooks per class. Staff computers are to be replaced with laptops after the summer.
What is a Chromebook? A Chromebook is a mini touch screen laptop that can be used for creating documents, working on joint projects and browsing.
Why Chromebooks? Google Apps for Education (docs, slides, sheets, etc.) to work collaboratively Google Classroom for class tasks and homework Individual ( and secure) pupil profiles Ready access to internet for research and exploration Ready access to a camera/video to capture learning Other useful Apps for enhancing learning Touchscreen 10 hour battery life Boots up in under 7 seconds Lightweight Recharges fully in less than a hour Unlimited storage with Google Drive Secure & virus free Can be used offline (with no Internet
In class, we have certain rules for using the Chromebooks safely. Chromebook Rules In class, we have certain rules for using the Chromebooks safely. 1. Understand that your Chromebook is for your learning 2. Look after your Chromebook carefully; keep the protective case on and charger safe 3. Know where your Chromebook is at all times. 4. Not to have food or drink near it. 5. If you carry it, make sure it is closed and you carry it from the bottom 6. If you take it home - charge it at night ready to bring to school for the next day 7. Be secure, respectful, safe, responsible and legal
We have 5 main principles of E-Safety at Portree Primary School Be Safe Be Secure Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Legal We will be undertaking a programme of work educating pupils on how to ensure we are all of these things
Be Safe I will not share my personal information or other people’s (home address, phone number etc.) I will be wary of emails that ask me for any personal information. I will check with an adult about anything I see that concerns me or report it to a teacher. I will not put any personal details about other people into emails, posts, comments or updates. I will never meet up with anyone offline that I have only met online without a parent/carer or trusted adult.
Be Secure I will keep passwords to myself and not share them with anyone, even my close friends. I will always log out and log off my account on any the device that I am using. I will always lock my computer when I walk away from the screen (even for a short while).
Be Respectful I will always be polite and use appropriate language. I will not access, create, store or distribute files that could be thought of as offensive, indecent or cause hurt or upset to anyone. I know that bullying by the use of text, multimedia messaging, email or on social sites is unacceptable and may lead to very serious consequences.
Be Responsible I will think carefully about the places I go online and keep focussed when on learning tasks. I will take good care of the ICT equipment I use. I understand that if I am irresponsible in my use of ICT, I may lose my access to it.
Be Legal I will only copy / upload / publish / distribute materials that are appropriate. I will only take images or video of other pupils, friends or staff with their full knowledge and permission. I will not copy / upload / publish / distribute images or videos of others without their permission. I know that I should not copy materials, music, videos or pictures from the internet and use them in my own work unless they are copyright free. I will remember that anything I do can be traced back to me including my browsing history and content that I may copy / upload / publish or distribute.
Pupil Chromebook Agreement Pupils will be asked to read and sign an agreement before they are able to use a Chromebook. If any unacceptable use of Chromebooks is detected, then the device will be withdrawn.
Chromebook Security Whilst in school, internet access via the Chromebooks is filtered via a product provided by Fortinet RM Buzz is used to gather data each time a user accesses an online site Each time a user logs onto a Chromebook, they are agreeing to the council’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) which includes use in and out of school hours/grounds
Keeping an eye… Children will have limited unsupervised time on the Chromebooks Children understand that for their safety, they must not touch their browsing history. Children’s browsing history will be randomly checked
Young Digital Leaders Young digital leaders are pupils in P6 and P7 who are helping to train everyone in the use of Chromebooks. Christine Downie Owen Mason Abdullah Zahid Teyim Alsaedi
Thank you for listening Any questions can be written on a Post-It and stuck to the Flip Chart. We will answer the questions on an email and send out to everyone. Thank you!