FP7 Experience (Collaborative Project Application) Matthew D. Griffin. MB BCh, DMed Professor of Transplant Biology Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) NUI Galway, Ireland
Summary Description of application. What could have made a difference? Positive aspects.
FP7-Health-2013.1.3-2: Innovative approaches to address adverse immune reactions to biomedical devices, implants and transplant tissues STAGE 1 June 2012: Reviewed draft call and drew up initial concept and partner profiles. Discussed possible academic and industry partners with colleagues. Reviewed successful applications. July 2012: Began sending initial communications to potential partners – Ireland, UK, France, Denmark, Germany. Identified management company to work with. Applied for EI Coordinator Support (€12,000) August 2012: 11 partners identified. Began to draft Stage 1 application and initial budget. October 2012: Submitted Stage 1 application. December 2012: Decision on Stage 1 (Deadline Feb. 2nd 2013)
Stage 2: Dec 2012- Feb 2013 (nine weeks) Large time commitment: Writing/Editing Almost daily contact with Management Company. E mail/conference calls/face-to-face meetings with partners Budget development (needed help) Submitted evening before deadline (Feb 5th 2013). Outcome: Received decision e mail April 23rd 2013: “passed thresholds” for funding but placed on reserve list based on overall ranking. Marks: S&T Excellence 4/5. Implementation and Management 4/5. Potential Impact 4/5.
What could have made a difference? Feedback (weaknesses) Translation to other types of transplant. (not fixable) Statistical power analysis for clinical study. (fixable) Management of project complexity. (fixable) On Reflection Should have engaged with a biostatistician at Stage 1. Should have paid more attention to critically evaluating the management plan. Time restriction played a role.
Positive Aspects Appreciate that NUI Galway is well resourced to coordinate EU collaborative projects. Understand EU funding system and process of preparing and submitting applications. Understand process of engaging with partners. Improved grant preparation skills – writing for impact. New connections in academia and industry. New scientific ideas and project concepts. Much better prepared to re-engage – but essential that the project fits the call.