Address: “Father” A final request. Address: “Father” A final request.


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Presentation transcript:

Address: “Father” A final request

Appeal: “Forgive” Identifying with us

Aim: “Them” Impertinent mob “My life for theirs” (Isa 53:8, 12)

Argument: “For They Do Not Know What They Are Doing” Ignorant murderers (Acts 3:17-19; 1 Cor 2:7-8) “Grant them time” (Acts 7:60; Ezek 33:11)

praying like Jesus Patiently hoping for repentance Wait for God Act for God (Gal 6:1; Jas 5:19-20)

Jesus demonstrated forgiveness Matt 5:44-45; 6:14-16; Mark 11:25-26

Repentance is necessary to obtain forgiveness Luke 17:3-4

Did Jesus waste His breath? 2 Cor 6:2; 2 Pet 3:14-15; Isa 55:6-7