- General Call Procedures and peer review guidelines


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Presentation transcript:

- General Call Procedures and peer review guidelines Item 11.1 Adoption of: - General Call Procedures and peer review guidelines General guidlines to applicants and Grant holders Maria Starborg Management Board Meeting, Brussels 26 February 2018

Core call group Instructed to develop general procedures for calls within JPIAMR Instructed to develop general guidelines for applicants and procedures for Instructed to develop best practice and relevant documents in relation to calls, for example template for mid term report, Current members are representatives from call secretariats, finished, ongoing and planned call secretariat, the JPIAMR secretariat (Sweden, France, Germany, Poland and UK) www.jpiamr.eu

Core call group Meet by telephone conferences regularly to discuss issues regarding calls Mid-term report template for monitoring was developed last year General call procedures including Peer review guidelines Guidelines for applicants and grant holders Efter five calls, and procedures have evolved, it was now time to collect all experiences from the calls and set up general call procedures and guidelines with start 2017/2018 so the upcoming calls can be guided. Applicants get an overview of the different types of calls and the general guidelines to understand JPIAMR calls in one document. But, details about a call topic will be found in the call documents. The general call procedures is also collected in one document for use of the call secretariat and it is also helpful for new members to understand how JPIAMR calls are set up in one document in one place. www.jpiamr.eu

JPIAMR General call procedures and Guidelines for applicants and grant holders Why? To guide the call secretariat to set up a call Detailed with a timeline with the different processess starting with the call topics and ending by the start of funding Updated yearly If the call secretariat would like to make changes the core call group should be involved Guidelines for applicants and grantholders Why? To give applicants information about calls with description of type of grants, how to apply, eligiblility etc. Collect information in one place always availible and up to date Updated yearly Briefly describe the guidelines for applicants. You have got the first draft in your documentation for todays meeting. Idea is to have the applicants eye; what would an pplicant like to know to see if JPIAMR calls are for them, rules for consortia, how is your application evaluated. Everything found in one place. A quick guide to dissemination, developed by Spain, will be an appendix, one again so the inforamtion is in one place. Suggested descision: MB are asked to adopt the general call procedures and guidelines for applicants which will be updated yearly www.jpiamr.eu

JPIAMR Network call - Surveillance Leading experts funded in order to enhance resource alignment and pushing forward the conceptualisation of ideas Planned to launch mid April – close June Participating countries: Ireland, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Germany, The Netherlands, UK, Argentina, France, Spain (ISCIII) and Belgium Potential topics – to be discussed by call participants Impact of surveillance on prevention, intervention, clinical practice, infection control, treatment and patient management Surveillance of AMR in the healthy population: Risk factors; risk groups (e.g. migrants, travelers), reservoirs, and monitoring systems Surveillance of non-human AMR reservoirs: Strategies, models, and technologies for tracing AMR in food, animals and the environment Surveillance technology and tools: Improvement and standardisation of methods Surveillance technology and tools: Quality assurance, curation and sharing data Surveillance technology and tools: Optimization of methods for outbreaks, rapidly emerging clones, resource-poor settings and global coverage 12 countries White papers, Prospective views, Guidelines, Best practice, Roadmap, Systematic reviews, Frameworks of value to the wider research community. Topics under discussion within the JCS is based on the suggestions from the workshop held in Norway 2016 “The interplay between AMR surveillance and science”. The workshop identified the following knowledge gaps Topic discussion in next meeting with the countries www.jpiamr.eu

JPIAMR general Call Procedures Why? To guide the call secretariat to set up a call Collect information in one place always availible and up to date Detailed with a timeline with the different processess starting with the call topics and ending by the start of funding, (almost two years) Content: Governance: communication, gender issues, ethical consideration - Eligibility Evaluation system: roles, conflict of interes Management of reserach project grants: Detailed descriptions and guiding of the differnt part of a call Management of network/working group call. Detailed description and guiding of the call processes Appendices: - Mid-term report template - Instructions for MoU - Communication plan Governance describing the organization around a call, communication of the call which include several parts and needs to be coordinated with JPIAMR communication officer. But also communication efforts on each participating country of the call. Communication plan is beeing developed and will be included as an appendix. Gender issues and ethical consoderations will be developed. For example, the SAB have given comments on gender issues Evaluation system, describing roles, conflict of inteteres Management of research project call Management of network/working group call. For example the review process will be discussed and updated in the document.

Next steps Finalise both documents early december Annually update of the documents, next time in autumn 2018 Look over the midterm report template In 2018 core call group will update quick guide to dissemination Open up for discussion and welcome input on the first drafts. Mention that the content will be aligned between the two documents www.jpiamr.eu

New ERA-net cofund suggestion 2019/2020 The ERA-NET Cofund under EU Horizon 2020 is designed to support public-public partnerships The main and compulsory activity of the ERA-NET Cofund under Horizon 2020 is the implementation of the co-funded joint call for proposals that leads to the funding of trans-national research and/or innovation projects (one co-funded call per Grant Agreement). In addition to the co-funded call the consortia may implement other joint activities including other joint calls without Union co-funding. The reimbursement rate for ERA-NET Cofund is 33% The duration of ERA-NET Cofund actions is set at 5 years Open up for discussion and welcome input on the first drafts. Mention that the content will be aligned between the two documents

Update – new ERA-net A suggestion for a new ERA-net was suggested at last MB meeting. The new workprogramme for 2018-2020 will be adopted in late October 2017. Two placeholders for ERA-net cofund in 2020 An ERA-net needs at least 10 members and a budget around 5 times the EU-commission budget, as well as additional calls to be adopted So far 9 countries have expressed interest with indicative budget of approx 4,5 M Euros Updated committment Continued discussion on topics for ERA-net cofunds for 2020 next year There was a positive response from MB. A question were sent for expression of interest, a few answers were recieved and as expressed in the mail non responders were understood as positive. JPIAMR was presented by Laura and Carlos at the last EU health programme committée meeting in Brussels. Suggestion to ask representatives to contact their national delegates in PC.

Suggested new ERA-net Cofud – AMR interventions trials - Prevention of acquisition, transmission and infection by antibiotic resistant bacteria rely on improved detection, isolation, decolonization, environmental decontamination as well as antibiotic stewardship and intervention measures to stop the spread of resistance in and between humans, animals, and the environment. - Both basic science, such as development of vaccines, diagnostics, and more effective therapies, and implementation research is needed in order to assess and prioritise among interventions to reduce drug resistant infections in a cost-effective manner. - In addition, networks of clinical intervention trial networks of hospitals and outpatient clinics and laboratory resources must be organized to secure an infra-structures investigating the effectiveness of AMR prevention and control strategies and enable the comparison of combination of AMR prevention and control practices in real world settings. Member states can suggets topics for ERA-net cofund to the programme commiteé that discuss the topics for the work programme. A topic suggestion has been developed by JPIAMR. An ERA-net is an opportunity to collaborate between memberstates and the COM around topics not covered elsewere. The suggestion was discussed by the MB last year.

Time schedule for reporting of JPIAMR projects Call Activity Time period 1st call (7 projects) Mid-term monitoring report Nov-Dec 2016   1st Ex-post evaluation Spring 2018 2nd Ex-post evaluation Spring 2021 2ndcall (3 projects) October-November 2017 Spring 2019 Spring 2022 3rd call (projects to be decided) September 2018 Spring 2020 Spring 2023 4th call (networks/working groups to be decided) Final report Autumn 2017-Spring 2018 Time schedule for the upcoming reports and evaluations. Mid-term reports to be collected by call secretariats and ex-post avaluations of Spain