Update on mapping of national AMR research landscape


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Presentation transcript:

Update on mapping of national AMR research landscape Shawon Lahiri Patriq Fagerstedt Management Board Meeting, Brussels 26 February 2018

Data input from JPIAMR member countries for mapping of national research funding Research landscape Argentina* - Belgium Y Canada Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Estonia European Commission Finland France Germany Greece* Ireland Israel Italy India Japan Netherlands Norway Poland* Romania* South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey UK Total response 20 + EC This slide lists the countries who have provided data to the template that was circulated end of November, 2017. Data was asked to compile the 2017 overview of antimicrobial resistance research carried out in JPIAMR member countries based on all research funding that is active on: 1st January 2017. The countries in blue have not provided data yet; the one with ”*” marks are in correspondence www.jpiamr.eu

other than Spain, Italy, Turkey, Finland and Netherlands Comparison of number of AMR projects reported from JPIAMR member countries for the previous and the present mapping exercise (preliminary analyses) Its encouraging to see that Overall, a higher number of projects have been documented for 2017 by most member countries in comparison to 2013 Spain, Italy, Turkey, Finland and Netherlands have reported fewer projects in 2017 than 2013 We wanted to check if it is because that they have supported fewers projects in general for 2017 or if they didnot collect data from different agencies Overall, a higher number of projects have been documented for 2017 by most member countries in comparison to 2013 other than Spain, Italy, Turkey, Finland and Netherlands www.jpiamr.eu

Comaprison of data input from different agencies of the JPIAMR member countries for mapping of national research funding Countries Agencies reported in 2013 mapping Agencies reported in 2017 mapping Belgium IWT, FWO, FNRS Research Foundation Flanders; Flanders Innovation and entrepreneurship Canada NSERC, CIHR CIHR Czech Republic IGA Ministry of Health; CZ Science Foundation; Technology Agency; Ministry of Agriculture Egypt - Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) Estonia Estonian Research Council Finland Academy of Finland France FRM, ANR, PHRC ANR Germany DFG; No Data Entered BMBF, BMG, BMEL, DZIF Ireland Health Research Board (HRB), SFI, Dept. of Agriculture Food and the Marine HRB, Dept. of Agriculture Food and the Marine, Environmental Protection Agency, Science Foundation Ireland, Tegeasc Israel Ministry of Health, The Israel Science Foundation Italy Ministry of Health Japan AMED Netherlands ZonMw Ministry of Health, ZonMw Norway The Research Council of Norway (RCN) RCN, Helse Vest RHF, Matfondavtalen South Africa SAMRC Spain ISCIII, REIPI, MINECO MINECO Sweden SRC, Vinnova, Formas, SSF Switzerland SNSF Turkey TUBITAK UK Innovate UK, Wellcome Trust, MRC, NERC, DEFRA, NIHR, BBSRC, EPSRC, Arts and Humanites Research Council, BBSRC, DFID, MoD, VMD, NERC, ESRC, NIHR, EPSRC, Wellcome Trust, MRC We compared the data collected by the different countries involved which agencies in 2013 and 2017 For Italy, Turkey, Finland – they provided data from same agencies both in 2013 and 2017: so probably they have supported fewer projects For Netherlands: in 2017, they collected data from 2 agencies rather than one in 2013: so probably they have supported fewer projects For Spain: in 2017, they collected data from fewers agencies rather than that in 2013: so could be less reporting and hence less contibution So Member states who have provided data from only one organization will be informed to provide data from other relevant organizations, if possible.

Comparison of funding of AMR projects reported from JPIAMR member countries for the previous and the present mapping exercise (preliminary analyses) Its encouraging to see that overall member countries have invested more towards JPIAMR research funding Similar trend of increased funding for AMR projects observed in most of the member countries other than Spain, Italy, Finland and Turkey www.jpiamr.eu

New member countries provided information related to the number of projects and funding supporting AMR research in 2017 (preliminary analyses) NA We are happy to see that some of the new member countries have provided data relvevant to AMR research funding for the 2017 mapping already Among the new members India and Argentina have not provided their data yet www.jpiamr.eu

(preliminary analyses) Comparison of number of AMR projects reported from European Commision and JPIAMR member countries for the previous and the present mapping exercise (preliminary analyses) Encouraging to see that the JPIAMR member countries are now investing more in the AMR research funding. Even if the commission’s investment has not dramatically increased to AMR. Seems the member countries are better co-ordinated and joining hands to fight for the AMR challenge, fulfilling JPIAMR’s mission Data includes: For 2013, 19 JPIAMR countries For 2017, 27 countries are involved: but data available from 20 countries; 4 countries from 2013 have not given their data yet the new countries bring in a total of 10 million euros; www.jpiamr.eu

Immediate timeline for mapping of research landscape and database development The data collection took longer than expected due to delay in receiving response from the member countries. Several countries have not classified and categorized the projects under the JPIAMR-SRA pillars in the template as instructed. Hence, the data cleaning and processing is taking longer. Long-term timeline: To create a short report on the mapping exercise by summer 2018 To create a publicly accessible database by the end of year 2018 www.jpiamr.eu

Next steps in the mapping exercise Action for members The JPIAMR Secretariat will contact respective national contact points with specific queries raised during data processing related to the provided data. Changes made during data processing will be informed to the respective member states to check and confirm. Member states who have provided data from only one organization will be informed to provide data from other relevant organizations, if possible. Next step: We will get back soon to the members to provide information needed for mapping of Research Centers/Networks and Research Infrastructure available in member states. www.jpiamr.eu

Update on AMR experts database Shawon Lahiri Maria Starborg

AMR Experts database Efficient and easy reviewing process for JPIAMR calls Collection of research experts in AMR categorized to strategic research areas of JPIAMR Information regarding their professional expertise and contact details stored with the Swedish Research Council (SRC) and will be shared with members of JPIAMR and call secretariats whenever needed Database in trial-use for the ongoing 6th Call Database workflow Database workflow created in JIRA to automatise the different steps in the call-reviewing process Database created along with IT-technical support from SRC E-mail client linked to the database used for communication with the experts www.jpiamr.eu

AMR Experts database Latest statistics of the Call database We have created a general experts database and a separate call database that the call secretariat will have access to. Experts are invited to the database. If they say Yes then they are automatically accepted. The relevant experts will be then cloned to the call database and followed further. The call database is in use now for the open call; we will give a demonstration of the database in the next MB meeting. In the table statistics, the ones who have declined are only for the call and not the database. 10 out of them are applicants to this call. Latest statistics of the Call database Experts Invited Experts Accepted Experts declined 242 58 35 Action for members To provide names and e-mail id of experts if they wish their investigators to be in the database. www.jpiamr.eu

Timeline for AMR experts database We have a list of 600 experts to invite from different fields of AMR research www.jpiamr.eu