County of San Luis Obispo Data Collection County of San Luis Obispo
County of San Luis Obispo Database Tracks RFA applicants through the entire application process Alerts when renewals are due Alerts when CPR/First Aid is expiring Generates the RFA ID number Houses complaint information County of San Luis Obispo
Technical Specifications
Dashboard The dashboard provides an “at a glance” place for the supervisor to see what is outstanding and what needs to be worked on. It provides several key pieces of information about the larger steps needed for RFA approval.
Tabs across top guide you through pages When you go into the record of an individual home, you will be guided through several tabs that have information needed to approve the home. The “Names” tab is a place to store information about the applicants and any other adults or children already living in the home. Notice the “RFA #” in the top right corner – our data system generates the RFA number which has taken the place of the license number. It is generated sequentially so there are no duplicates.
On the “children” page information is entered about dependent children placed in the home on an emergency basis. This data helps generate timelines and reminders for staff
The “address” page provides basic information about the home’s physical and mailing addresses. We can also pull data from our database to generate a mailing list of our homes.
The “dates” page is where the majority of the home tracking work takes place. This page contains several key dates that are needed to approve homes such as when the family completes pre-service training, CPR and first aid information, home and grounds approval, etc. We also enter information about criminal exemptions needed and criminal exemptions approved. We also enter denial/withdrawl dates and reasons. We generate a variety of reports from this information which will be shown to you later.
The “Home Details” page is where home specific information can be entered. Our Placement unit finds this helpful if they are looking for a foster home and it helps them get to know our families and any unique circumstances that exist.
Our placement unit also requested a photo be available for families as they find it helpful to have photos to show the children being placed
The “CMS details” pulls information from CMS via a batch process and uploads it here. This is helpful when generating placement reports which you will see later. This information is pulled directly from CMS so the current opening and hold information is always up to date.
The checklist page provides a place to note what documents have been received. You have the option to “print all” which will print the entire list and show what items have been received and what is still outstanding or to “print due” which will generate a list of items still needed from the family. This is helpful to be able to give it to the family so they can see what they still need to work on
RFA management reports available: There are many management reports available, a few examples will follow this slide
Placement Reports also available As mentioned, our placement unit can run reports from the RFA database that show what homes are available and have openings for placement. They have many options to sort and customize their request
Weekly pending assignment report Each week on Monday, staff and supervisors receive a “weekly pending report” that shows each Social Worker what cases are assigned to them and how long they have been outstanding.
RFA homes with current placement This report shows us quickly what RFA homes currently have placement (based on CMS details)
Closed/Denied/Withdrawn Reasons (Summary) This is a Summary report of how many homes were closed/denied or withdrawn and the reasons why
Closed/Denied/Withdrawn Reasons (detail) This shows a detailed list of each home that was closed or denied and their specific information.
CPR/First Aid Expiration List Based on entries made in the database, our clerical support can pull a list of homes that have an upcoming CPR/First Aid expiration and send them a contact letter asking the home to submit their renewal information.
Renewals due We can also create a list of homes that have an annual assessment due.
Psychosocial Assessment completed by specific agency Because we have partnered with other agencies to complete some of the psychosocial assessments, we needed a way to see what assessments were completed by each agency. This is generated based on entries made on the “dates” page. This report can also be provided to the agency to show them the status of the homes they worked with and whether the home has a child currently placed.