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Presentation transcript:

HAZARD CLASSIFICATION CAD/PAD Technical Exchange Workshop Ed Walseman NOSSA Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.

NOSSA Alignment within NAVSEA 11/7/2018 NOSSA Alignment within NAVSEA COMMANDER (SEA 00) DEPUTY FOR ORDNANCE SAFETY (00VW) DIRECTOR, WEAPONS & ORDNANCE SAFETY (SEA 00V) COMMANDING OFFICER (N00) USN Fleet Technical Liaisons USN FLEET LAISION (N00F) SAFETY LIAISON CER MANAGER (N00N) NAVSEA SEA00N3 MIC Manager EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (N00ED) COMPTROLLER Weapons Assessment Directorate (N8) Weapons System Safety Directorate (N3) Corporate Operations Directorate (N02) Ordnance Environmental Support Directorate (N4) Explosives Safety Operations Directorate (N5) (9) (11) (9) (38) (12) Headquarters Indian Head, MD ESSOLANT Norfolk, VA ESSOPAC San Diego, CA 1 NSASP is the Safety Service Provider. 2 Dual hatted Security Manager; reports to CO. 3 See NOSSA & NAVSEA MOA 5041 Ser N027/1164 of 4 Jan 18. Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.

Hazard Classification Background Updates Packaging Connection Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.

Hazard Classification Background Joint Service Regulation – NAVSEAINST 8020.8C Applies to the transportation and storage configuration Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49 – Transportation UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods NATO – Storage STANAG No. 4123 Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.

Hazard Classification Background 11/7/2018 Hazard Classification Background Interim Hazard Classification Approved by Service (Navy accepts Army and Air Force IHCs) Requires some planning but can be assigned quickly Based on material tests and evaluation Most have 1 year expiration date (Navy storage exclusion) IHC paperwork must accompany shipment Transportation and Storage in CONUS (Can be used for OCONUS in limited scenarios) Program NOSSA* *Army/Air Force Classification Offices Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.

Hazard Classification Background Interim Hazard Classification Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.

Hazard Classification Background 11/7/2018 Hazard Classification Background Final Hazard Classification Approved by DoD/DOT Requires long range planning Based on full-scale testing on the munition DOT Approval (EX letter) signifies completion Lasts for the life of the munition Published in JHCS, OIS, and NAVSEA SW020-AC-SAF-010 Transportation and Storage DoD-wide 11/7/2018 Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.

Hazard Classification Background Final Hazard Classification Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.

Hazard Classification Updates IHC Duration Compatibility Group In the past the expiration date for an IHC was one year or less This was changed to a maximum of two years when deemed reasonable by the IHC authority (DDESB Memo of 26 Jan 17) Navy criteria: Configuration stability Transport need Does not delay or take the place of a final hazard classification (NOSSA ltr of 16 Mar 17) DoD may assign CG to items in classes 2-9 and not regulated for storage only (predominant hazard) In the past the CG was assigned based on the explosives within (typically CG S) This was changed such that the CG is assigned based on the explosives and the other hazardous materials within (DDESB Memo of 14 Mar 18 - JHC Minutes) Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.

Hazard Classification Updates UN Test 6(d) - DoD UN Test 6(d) - UN In the past, the criterion of hazardous effects contained within the package was interpreted that post test there was little or no damage to the package with nothing escaping This was changed to allow for greater damage to the package (fiberboard packages to be unfurled or opened at the seam) and for the evaluation of whether contents were projected or fell out of an opened package. (DDESB Memos of 25 Feb 14 and 15 Mar 17) UN revised the Model Regulations adding the UN Test 6(d) requirement to four additional UN numbers UN0349 Articles, Explosive, N.O.S. UN0367 Fuzes, Detonating UN0384 Components, Explosive Train, N.O.S. UN0481 Substances, Explosive N.O.S. (Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations, 20th revised edition, 2017) DOT implementation plan unknown Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.

Hazard Classification Updates NATO 12 Meter Drop Test Reviewing and revising STANAGs (including 4123) STANAG/AOP/SRD concept Further harmonization with Insensitive Munitions UN revised the 12 meter drop test application in the Test & Criteria Manual from: Required for articles containing substances which fail impact, friction, or small scale burning testing to: Required for all articles unless waived by the competent authority (Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. Manual of test and Criteria 6th revised edition amendment 1, 2017) Substance tests alone can not be used to waive the 12 meter drop test requirement for FHC Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.

Hazard Classification Packaging Connection Changing an item’s packaging requires the hazard classification to be reevaluated because: Hazard classifications are assigned based on test results Tests are conducted on the item in its packaged configuration Changing the configuration can affect the test results Reevaluation will consider: Confinement Spacing Quantity per package Safety devices Existing test data Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.

Hazard Classification Questions? Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.