Davidic Covenant Read: 2 Samuel 7:8-17 Who are the parties involved? God David/Israel What are the responsibilities? God promises to establish David’s kingdom (v.12) God promises that David’s throne would endure forever. (v.13) (See: Psalm 89:3-4,29,36 & 2 Chronicles 21:7) God promises that David’s line of descent would endure forever (v.16) God promises that David’s kingdom will never pass away permanently. (even though it might not function at all times) (v.16)
Davidic Covenant Is this a conditional or unconditional covenant? Is this a universal covenant? Not Universal
Davidic Covenant Premillennialists believe that... Christ will fulfill these promises in the future when He returns to earth in His 2nd Coming With His 2nd Coming Christ will then establishes and reign over a literal, earthly, political kingdom Christ will reign for 1000 years on this present earth, and for eternity on the new eternal earth.
The Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24+25) Marriage feast with the Lamb Ascension of Jesus (Acts 1:6-11) 2nd Coming of Christ (Matt. 24:29,30) Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-21) Rapture of believers to Heaven (1 Thess. 4:17) Messiah is born The Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) The Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24+25) Kingdom/Messiah is offered to the Jews Kingdom/Messiah is morally rejected by the Jews Resurrection of Jesus (Matt. 28:6) Armageddon (Matt. 4:17) The Tribulation (7 years) (Matt. 11:20-30) (Matt. 12:24-32) (Matt. 23:33-39) Ephesus Smyrna Sardis Pergamos Thyatira Laodicea Philadelphia The Olivet Discourse explains this period of time (Matt. 24+25) Kingdom/Messiah is literally rejected by the Jews The seven Churches of Asia represent seven stages of Church history. (Rev. 2+3) John the Baptist “Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt. 3:7) (Matt. 27:31-37) Dispensation of the Mosaic Law (Exodus 19:3-Acts 2:1) Age of Grace (Romans 11:25)
1000 year reign of Christ on earth The Great White Throne Judgment Rev. 20:11-15 2nd Coming of Christ (Matt. 24:29,30) Battle of Gog & Magog Rev. 20:7-9 New Heaven & New Earth Rev. 21+22 The Millennium (Principles of the Kingdom described in Matt. 5) Armageddon 1000 year reign of Christ on earth Satan thrown in the Bottomless Pit for 1000 years Rev. 20:1-3 Satan let loose Rev. 20:7-8 Sheol/Hades Lake of Fire
Davidic Covenant Amillennialists believe that… Christ fulfills these promises now (during this age, before His Second Coming) in His present rule over the Church & human hearts as He sits at the right hand of God on the throne in heaven. The kingdom over which Christ rules in fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant is solely a spiritual kingdom. (They don’t believe it isa literal, earthly, political kingdom) They equate the throne of David with the throne of God in heaven. (Davids Throne = God the Father’s Throne)
Davidic Covenant Defense of Premillennial View... #1 The throne of David and the throne of God in heaven are two separate thrones. God’s throne is eternal (See: Lamentations 5:19) David’s throne was not established until his lifetime. God has always sat on His throne, no one else has. David has only had several descendants sit on his throne. In Revelation 3:21 Jesus draws a distinction between God’s throne & David’s (Jesus’) throne. Since Jesus draws this distinction between God’s throne & Davids throne, they cannot be the same. God’s throne is in heaven (See: Isaiah 66:1; Psalm 103:19; Matthew 5:34; 23:22) Since Jesus sits at the righthand of God’s throne in heaven, He is not then currently sitting on David’s earthly throne. David’s throne has always been on earth. His throne has never exercised authority from heaven.
Davidic Covenant Defense of Premillennial View... #2 God will give the Earthly Kingdom to Jesus at His 2nd Coming. (See: Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 24:29-31) At Jesus’ “1st coming”, He did not arrive through the clouds, but as a baby! Therefore, God did not award Jesus the kingdom at this “1st coming.” Therefore Jesus is not exercising that authoritative rule during this age.
Davidic Covenant Defense of Premillennial View... #3 According to Zechariah 14:4,9 - the Messiah will be King after His feet have touched down on the Mount of Olives at His 2nd Coming. #4 According to Psalm 110:1-2 Messiah will sit at the right hand of God the Father until it is time for Messiah to rule on earth. Therefore, Jesus’ rule will not begin until after His present session with the Father in heaven.
Davidic Covenant Defense of Premillennial View... #5 In Matthew 19:28 Jesus says He will sit on His earthly throne when the earth is regenerated. (See: Isaiah 35:1-2; 41:18-20; 51:3) Peter makes it clear in Acts 3:19-21 that regeneration (Refreshing/restitution) will not come while Jesus is in heaven. Peter says this will happen when Jesus has returned and when Israel as a nation has repented.
Davidic Covenant Defense of Premillennial View... #6 Jesus will fulfill God’s promises in the Davidic Covenant by reigning over a LITERAL, EARTHLY KINGDOM ON THIS PRESENT EARTH! (See: Psalm 72:8; Zechariah 9:10; Daniel 2:35,44-45; Daniel 7:13-14, 27, Jeremiah 23:5-8) Contrary to Scripture Amillenniasts teach that Jesus fulfills the Davidic Covenant by ruling over the church, and individual human hearts. #7 Jesus will reign over a kingdom that IS POLITICAL IN NATURE. (See: Isaiah 2:4; 9:6-7; 11:1-5; Jeremiah 33:14-16; Micah 4:1-3) Contrary to Scripture Amillenniasts teach that Jesus rule is not political.