Fiscal Year 2010 Higher Education Appropriations Governors Action Illinois Board of Higher Education August 11, 2009
FY 2010 Govs Action – GF by Sector w/o SURS 2 FY10 Includes $93.9 million ARRA SFSF
FY 2010 Govs Action – Public Universities 3 FY09 GRF$1,393,838.6 FY09 GRF After 2.5% Reserve$1,358,748.9 FY10 GRF (FY06 level for SFSF)$1,306,876.4 FY10 SFSF$86,962.2 FY10 Total$1,393,838.6
FY 2010 Govs Action – Community Colleges 4 FY09 GRF$307,864.7 FY09 GRF After 2.5% Reserve$300,609.7 FY10 GRF/EAF (FY06 level for SFSF)$300,353.0 FY10 SFSF$6,973.9 FY10 Total$307,326.9
FY 2010 Govs Action – Adult Education/CTE 5 FY09 GRF$47,765.8 FY09 GRF After 2.5% Reserve$47,097.6 FY10 GRF$24,121.8 FY10 Govs Allocation from Lump Sum$26,723.1 FY10 Total w/ Govs Allocation$50,844.9
FY 2010 Govs Action – ISAC 6 FY09 GRF/EAF$429,204.8 FY10 GRF/EAF$220,031.1 Reduction in ISAC Funding($209,173.7) FY09 MAP$381,099.8 FY10 MAP$194,146.1 Reduction in MAP Funding($186,953.7) MAP Funding FY93$197,731.8
FY 2010 Govs Action – IBHE Grants 7 FY09 GRF + DFI + UCLC$10,201.9 FY10 GRF + DFI + UCLC$6,801.0 Reduction in Grants$3,400.9 Note: The Governors introduced budget included $13.6 million for IBHE grants.
FY 2010 Govs Action – Agencies 8 ICCB – No Change$2,144.4 IBHE – No Change$2,976.0 IMSA – (reduction in E2K and field offices from Govs proposed budget)$18,216.4 SUCSS -- $3,000 increase$1,273.3
FY 2010 Govs Action – SURS 9 $702,514, the actuarially determined, required contribution -- is made by PA (SB1292), funded primarily by the sale of bonds
FY 2010 Capital 10 Public Universities$820,644.3 Community Colleges$434,201.0 Independent Colleges and Univ.$323,495.0 Other (IMSA, Escalation, Campus Security, UCLC)$60,135.0 Total$1,638,475.3