Strategic planning Kary Grant
Strategic planning
Why Should You Plan? Service club enrollment has continually declined since the late 1950’s There is tremendous competition for professional, family and leisure time Fewer club members means less are doing more which leads to burnout! A club with a plan is more focused!
SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Threats Opportunities
What are Vision and Mission? The Vision describes the highest aspiration of the business, its broader sense of purpose. The Mission describes what the business is and how the business will achieve its vision. They are touchstones to guide the brand and the business.
The Vision Statement The vision of the Zonta Club of XXXX in 3 to 5 years is: For example: The Zonta Club of ___________will have __ active members, with valued hands-on projects demonstrating true ideals of Zonta.
The Mission Statement Example: ZI’s mission statement Zonta International is a global organization of executives and professionals working together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy.
Club Objectives
S.M.A.R.T. Objectives S- Specific M- Measureable A - Acheivable R- Relevant T – Timely
Goals & Objectives Increase Social Media presence (G) Increase Facebook page likes to 100 (O) Increase Service Events by 50% in 2nd half of Biennium (4 events) Hold 2 birthing kit sessions
Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women & Girls Advocacy- Goal No. 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and Our Club District This Biennium Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women & Girls 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Speaker from Police Program with High Schol Poster Project International Women’s Day Breakfast
Multi year Goals & objectives-Action plans - Fundraising Donate a Van to Women’s Shelter Raise $50K over 4 years Several Small Events Year 1 Gala Year 2 Dance Year 3 Golf Tournament Year 4