Creating a NoodleTools Account! (View this presentation to learn how to set up the bibliography for your Senior Project.) November 2010
Go to, click “Create a Personal ID”
Select free NoodleBib MLA Starter account, and register for your subscription.
You will now create your user ID and password.
Upon reaching this screen, you will want to create a new project Upon reaching this screen, you will want to create a new project. “Senior Project” might be a good title to use.
Once here, you might want to input your Essential Question (Thesis Statement). Your next step will be to click on the Bibliography icon.
Select a citation type.
If you select “online database,” NoodleBib will guide you through all the necessary steps. (The same thing will happen if you are entering in information for a book, Web site, or magazine.)
Here are the elements of an online journal in the MLA Citation Style
Here’s what you’ll need to add in order to create a citation for the article you found using an online database.
There is even space available for you to annotate your citations!
Once you have created a number of citations and annotations,
You can export your Works Cited List (and annotations) to a word document.
Your exported list will look something like this, and you might need to spend a few minutes to get the formatting right.
The End!