Mushrooms,molds, mildews yeast, rust, smuts Classified by reproductive structure.


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Presentation transcript:

Mushrooms,molds, mildews yeast, rust, smuts Classified by reproductive structure

Characteristics Eukaryote Unicellular to multicellular Cell wall of chitin (insect bodies) Body is made of Long filaments of hyphae which form a mycelium Heterotrophs Some are parasites Some are saprophytes (decomposers)

Rhizopus – black bread mold Phylum Oomycota = the Water Molds Phylum Zygomycota = the Bread Molds Rhizopus – black bread mold Phylum Oomycota = the Water Molds Water mold, potato blight, mildew Phylum Ascomycota = the Sac Fungi Yeast, morels, truffles Phylum Basidiomycota = the Club Fungi Mushrooms, puffballs, bracket fungi, rusts, smuts, toadstools Phylum Deuteromycota = the Fungi Imperfecti

Parts of fungi: network of thin thread-like structures that form the “body” of a fungus Hyphae - hyphae contain cytoplasm hyphae grow and branch until they cover and digest the food source (upon which the fungi is growing)

Mycelium - a mass of hyphae The mycelium is usually hidden in the soil, in wood, or another food source

The part of the fungus that we see is only the “fruiting body” of the organism The ‘living’ body of the fungus is a mycelium

Puffball and a cloud of spores

Sporangia of breadmold


Mushrooms – “Club Like” Fungi or Basidiomycete Fungi

Bracket Fungi – Basidiomycete Fungi

Cup Fungi – Ascomycete Fungi

Zygomycota (Rhizopus) the Common Molds The fungal mass of hyphae, known as the MYCELIUM penetrates the bread and produces the fruiting bodies on top of the stalks

Rhizoids = root-like hyphae The zhizoids meet underground and mating occurs between hyphae of different molds (SEXUAL REPRODUCTION)

Morels are Ascomycete Fungi

Basidiomycete or Club Fungi

Smut on wood Rust on corn Rust on leaf

Deuteromycota (Imperfect Fungi) Penicillium fungi

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