New York New Jersey, Pennsylvania Delaware The Middle Colonies New York New Jersey, Pennsylvania Delaware
What were the Middle Colonies New Jersey Delaware New York Pennsylvania
Middle Colonies Environment Fertile soil, well suited for wheat, fruits, and vegetables Warmer climate, longer growing season Great natural resources, bays, harbors, river systems Great manufacturing developed
New York , Founded by the Dutch in 1623-24 as an outpost for the Dutch West India Co. Manhattan was purchased by the Dutch from the Native Americans
Formerly called New Netherland Set up by Dutch along Hudson River New York Formerly called New Netherland Set up by Dutch along Hudson River Allowed religious freedom 1664 England takes over: King gave land to brother, the Duke of York = renamed New York Very diverse – attracted people form many places Three types of colonies - Proprietary - land grants (charter) given to individuals or small groups. Chartered colonies - land grants given to private companies. Royal colonies – Crown (a.k.a. king, queen, monarch) had complete control over governmental actions. They appointed the governor and the council. Often chartered colonies became royal colonies after their charter was revoked.
New Jersey
Governor Carteret arrives in NJ
Duke of York knew NY was too big to rule New Jersey Duke of York knew NY was too big to rule Gave land to friends: Lord Berkeley and Lord Carteret He called the proprietary colony New Jersey 1702: Became a royal colony under control of English king
William Penn 1681 received a grant from king to establish a colony. Strong Quaker (believed in non violence) Pennsylvania [“Penn’s Woodland”]. Land policy attracted many from all over Europe. Bought [didn’t simply take] land from Indians. Representative assembly elected by landowners Freedom of worship guaranteed to all . Attracted many different people No provision for military defense. No slavery!! “Blue Laws” against stage plays, cards, dice, excessive hilarity, etc. A society that gave its citizens economic opportunity, civil liberty, & religious freedom!!
Delaware First settled by Swedes. Was apart of Pennslyania but too far to send delegates to Philadelphia Penn allowed them to elect their own assembly Later broke away to form separate colony became a separate colony in 1704
General Details about the middle Colonies Easier to farm than New England b/c of milder weather Produced surplus food Cash crops - crops sold for $ Over time, manufacturing became big Towns less important b/c houses farther apart In western section of Pennsylvania called the Back Country. (frontier region extending through several colonies.) Populated people from Scotland and Ireland,(Scotch-Irish) & Germans, called Deutsch in German or became known as Pennsylvania Dutch These colonies were the most diverse,