71 yo Man with typical angina, pos stress, CAD risk factors
71 yo Man with typical angina, pos stress, CAD risk factors
71 yo Man with typical angina, pos stress, CAD risk factors
71 yo Man with typical angina, pos stress, CAD risk factors
Pressure wire to LAD, FFR 0.55, Balloon and stent
LAD Xience 3.5x18. 2nd LAD lesion? All done? FFR = 0.68
2nd LAD stent Xience 3x18. IVUS confirms stent apposition FFR 0.89
Final Lessons: 1. Multivessel FFR evaluation identifies need for Stents 2. Serial Lad lesions demonstrate limitations of FFR for individual lesions 3. Final FFR helpful but IVUS is standard for stent placement