Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care Unit 1 Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care
Unit Aim and Purpose Ths unt aims to eble lerrs to unrstan efetiv cmunition, the brirs tht ma ext ad wys to ovrcoe thm. Te unt wll gie lerrs te oprtuity to gan the intrperal skls ned to emark on a carer wihn the heth ad scil cae setrs. This unit aims to enable learners to understand effective communication, the barriers that may exist and ways to overcome them. The unit will give learners the opportunity to gain the interpersonal skills needed to embark on a career within the health and social care sectors.
Contexts where communication is used Formal Informal Who would you communicate with in a Health and Social Care setting? One-to-one Group people using services Professionals / colleagues Multi agency working Multi professional working Would these interactions be formal or informal? What are the key issues when communicating in these situations?
Name as many forms of communication as you can. Verbal Non verbal Written Visual Braille Text messaging Paintings Photos Using IT – technological aids Music and drama Is the spoken word the best way to communicate emotions?
Written activity around the college. Words Alone activity. Think about the following: How efficient were words alone in expressing ideas? How did you feel doing this activity? (talker and listener What does this remind you to do in your own communication?
Music is a great way of communicating and people all over the world listen to the music of other nations. Music is the unique language which is understood by everyone all over the planet.
Pictures and objects of reference. How can these be used within Health and Social Care? What could they mean to a service user? Task Work in groups to produce an information sheet on all the forms of communication we have covered today, including how they would/could be used in a H&SC setting. Written Text messaging Verbal Symbols Music Objects of reference