Welcome to Third Grade Information Night Newton Rayzor Elementary 2016 - 2017
Meet Our Team Mrs. Houchin, Mrs. Frazier, Mrs. Sembroski, Mrs. Buck and Mrs. Estrada
TEKS are the standards that we teach in the state of Texas TEKS are the standards that we teach in the state of Texas. The International Baccalaureate Program is the framework we teach these standards through.
How is our school different? Learning uses different opportunities to achieve mastery of TEKS Sometimes learning can be in isolation. Using best practices supported by DISD Student-centered learning incorporating standards and IB essential elements Learning is transdisciplinary. Using best practices supported by DISD and IB
Who We Are: An inquiry into…rights and responsibilities… People have rights and responsibilities that can determine their way of life Perspectives about rights and responsibility Access to rights Enforcement of rights and responsibilities Key Concepts: Responsibility, Causation, Perspective
How We Organize Ourselves: An inquiry into….economic activities and their impact on humankind Economic systems depend on global connections. Connections across economic systems Components of economic systems Economic responsibility Key Concepts: Connection, Function, Responsibility
How the World Works: An inquiry into….how humans use their understanding of scientific principles Societies can respond to their understanding of the changing earth Different components of the earth Changes to the earth Human responses to the earth’s changes Key Concepts: Change, Connection, Responsibility
Where We Are In Place and Time: An inquiry into….orientation in place and time… History may have a lasting impact on communities. Influence of historical figures Interpreting historical events Changes in communities over time Key Concepts: Reflection, Causation, Perspective
Sharing the Planet: An inquiry into….communities and the relationships within and between them… Many different factors may affect how an ecosystem functions The elements of various ecosystems Natural factors that can affect an ecosystem Human influences on the environment Key Concepts: Causation, Connection, Change
How We Express Ourselves: An inquiry into….the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity… People’s creative expressions can reflect the cultural heritage of a community Different types of creative expressions Connections between cultures Cultural heritage of communities Key Concepts: Function, Connection, Causation
Our STAAR Philosophy: We believe in teaching young learners through a student-centered approach to learning and within the IB framework. This includes instructing students through authentic assessments that guide our teaching. The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness is given to all students in third grade in math and reading. Our teaching will not revolve around test-prep, but rather students will be given all the tools they need to feel confident and prepared for this test.
Volunteer Opportunities Available Please fill out a volunteer background check Grandparents Day Field Trip chaperones Classroom specific help
Parent Conferences Teachers are available for conferences through appointment from 9:45-10:15 daily Parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled the week of October 3rd. Students will be released at 12:00 during that week.
Question? Comments? Concerns?