Office of Research Administration - FYE ‘17 Notes Close out is instead based on the award budget year Sponsored (6) accounts do not close at Fiscal Year End e-BERF and e-Checks do not have a deadline for Year End on Sponsored Accounts Review salaries charged to Sponsored accounts Salaries should be charged where time/effort was spent Submit cost transfers and Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAA’s) before the deadline Effort must reflect in the appropriate month effort was spent ECRT effort certification period will start at the end of July and all FY 2017 PAA’s need to have been processed Critical Points Clear all encumbrances on Payroll Default accounts to avoid additional charges Submit all Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAA’s) to clear Payroll Default accounts by deadline Submit Non- salary cost transfers before the deadline
Office of Research cont. Tip Sheet Summary for Cost Center Managers Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAA) process to ORA Costing allocation: Formerly DHRS account distribution Always use for future allocations Make sure the costing allocation is prepared on the correct ” position” Do not fill in the “ Position Restrictions” When you put something in position restrictions, it narrows what the costing allocation applies to Payroll Accounting Adjustments formerly salary cost transfer – FEI and FA-10 always use for retro allocations make sure is prepared on the correct “ position” make sure is prepared on the correct “earnings”
Office of Research cont. HR Workday – Payroll Accounting Adjustments IMPORTANT TIPS Initiated by the Cost Center Managers or the Finance Business Process Initiator Transmitted to the ORA office for review and approval When approved, data included in the FRS integration file Batches released daily into FRS For further details how to create payroll accounting adjustment, click link below: or Reach out to: William Caiaffa – 8-3509 For the latest information on changes related to Research Administration: