Third-Year History Introductory lecture 29 September 2011
Cores and Electives Eight modules over the year For dual honours, least two modules in History and two in your other principle subject BUT… Normal expectation in History is four modules: two taught modules and the dissertation (a double module) Different patterns for students of Major and Minor History
Taught modules Focus and specialisation c.1000AD to c.1950AD Britain, Europe, Africa, Asia, USA Military, social, political, etc histories
Studying Third-Year History Allow time for reading, writing and thinking Allow 10 hours per module per week Complete at least 40% History over three years to do PGCE
History Dissertations – why? Normal culmination of undergraduate History studies Substantial research element Lectures, workshops and supervisions
Dont Panic… Tutors are there to help Library and Blackboard resources: IT helpdesk Tackle work in manageable chunks One-to-one supervisions to support your dissertation
StARs St udent A cademic R epresentative s Represent disciplinary year- group Alison Leese Important to feedback in this year
If things go wrong… Personal tutors History tutors Director of Undergraduate Studies in History is Dr Shalini Sharma Extensions can only be granted by Shalini!
Essentials – check your Keele account, at least once per day Diary or wall planner – make sure you know assessment deadlines Alarm clock – you cant afford to oversleep!
Then what? Third-year exams finish on Friday 4 May days from now Careers? Further study?
And finally… You can any member of staff in History about their taught modules or about the Dissertation – we will be happy to advise you. The reply may not be instant, but it will arrive!