Introduction to SpringerLink [Instructor: Welcome to the SpringerLink Training Kit. We hope you find that this manual will help you give a successful training seminar to your constituents. Using this presentation: With a Live Internet Connection (Live Demo) Use the presentation as a guide and script while projecting SpringerLink on the screen. Be sure to pass out the “Student/Researcher Manual” for participants to follow along. If you conduct the seminar in a computer lab, have each participant log into the site and interact with it while you demonstrate. Without a Live Internet Connection (Offline Demo) Use the presentation by projecting it on the screen. Be sure to pass out the “Student/Researcher Manual” for participants to follow along. Load the CD-ROM. Select the PowerPoint. Run Slideshow. Click to Advance.]
Training Outline Introduction Getting Started with SpringerLink Browsing SpringerLink Searching My SpringerLink Questions, practice, concerns and evaluation [Instructor: Review agenda/course outline in detail.] My name is _________ and I am _______________ I appreciate you attending today’s workshop, and hope you’ll find the information useful. If you have any questions during the presentation please feel free to ask these. Let’s have a look at the agenda: Introduction Getting Started with SpringerLink Browsing SpringerLink Searching My SpringerLink Questions, practice, concerns and evaluation
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Introduction In the next hour, we’ll discuss how to: Capitalize on the vast array of research that SpringerLink offers Utilize the easy to navigate portal, and Navigate through the tools that have been constructed on the site to help you with your searches There’s a good chance that most of you have heard of Springer. But, what you may not know is the full range of books, book series, references works and journals that Springer offers on their online site, SpringerLink. In the next hour, we’ll discuss how to: Capitalize on the vast array of research that SpringerLink offers, Utilize the easy to navigate portal, and Navigate through the tools that have been constructed on the site to help you with your searches. [Instructor: Have participants introduce themselves and why they are interested in SpringerLink.]
~ Available on 1.2 What is SpringerLink? SpringerLink is a powerful central access point for researchers in Science, Technology and Medicine, containing high quality: Online Journals eBooks eBook Series eReference Works ~ Available on Before we start with the demonstration let’s first provide you with some background information on SpringerLink. SpringerLink is a powerful central access point for researchers in Science, Technology and Medicine, containing high quality: - Online Journals – more than 1,250 - eBooks – 3,000 new titles are added every year - eBook Series and - eReference Works
1.2 What is SpringerLink? SpringerLink is organized in 12 Subject Collections: Architecture, Design & Arts (New for 2006, eBooks only) Behavioral Sciences Biomedical & Life Sciences Business & Economics Chemistry & Materials Science Computer Science Earth & Environmental Sciences Engineering Humanities, Social Sciences & Law Mathematics & Statistics Medicine Physics & Astronomy And 2 International Collections: Russian Library of Science (New for 2006, journals only) Chinese Library of Science (New for 2006, journals only) SpringerLink is organized in 12 Subject Collections: Architecture, Design & Arts (New for 2006, eBooks only) Behavioral Sciences Biomedical & Life Sciences Business & Economics Chemistry & Materials Science Computer Science Earth & Environmental Sciences Engineering Humanities, Social Sciences & Law Mathematics & Statistics Medicine Physics & Astronomy And 2 International Collections: Russian Library of Science (New for 2006, journals only) Chinese Library of Science (New for 2006, journals only)
1.2 What is SpringerLink? SpringerLink offers: An unequaled collection of Online Journals, eBooks, eReference Works and eBook Series, with more than 3 million contributions A retro-digitized archive of journals and a selection of book series Powerful, easy-to-master search engine with „Guided Navigation“ Multiple browsing pathways - product and subject categories, A-Z lists Access right markers Local or remote access Enhanced personalization features SpringerAlerts for users and librarians and RSS feeds Worldwide Help Desk SpringerLink offers: An unequaled collection of Online Journals, eBooks, eReference Works and eBook Series, with 3 million contributions A retro-digitized archive of journals and a selection of book series Powerful, easy-to-master search engine with „Guided Navigation“ Multiple browsing pathways - product and subject categories, A-Z lists Access right markers Local or remote access Enhanced personalization features SpringerAlerts for users and librarians and RSS feeds Worldwide Help Desk
2.0 Getting Started with SpringerLink Now we will show you how you can get started with SpringerLink quick and easy
2.1 SpringerLink Homepage This is the SpringerLink homepage. You can log on directly to or you can enter through your library intranet/information portal (this is different for every institution)
2.2 How to log on Login through Automatic IP Authentication There are two ways to log onto SpringerLink. Start by simply going to:, where you have two options. Login through Automatic IP Authentication: You will see a message at the top left hand side of the screen saying: Recognized as <<Institution Name>> << Your institution’s MetaPress ID>>. This message indicates that your computer is recognized by its IP Address, to access the subscribed to content on the site only. Login through Username and Password: You can also register for a username and password. Using the username and password allows you to customize the SpringerLink experience. By registering (in advance) you can also use this username and password if you access SpringerLink from another computer or from outside of the campus. We will discuss how to register next. Login through Automatic IP Authentication Login through Username and Password
2.3 How to register Why would you need to register? Receive or create new email Alerts Create a personalized home page by setting-up favorites Save your search results for future reference Go back in your search history Better organize the data, especially as you make return visits to the site. Take your access on the road Registering is simple and allows users to access the advanced features of this site such as Table of Contents, Keyword Alerts, Favorites, Marked and Saved Items and History. Also, users that register from an IP Authenticated computer can take their user name and password to any computer in the world and get access to the same content that they could on campus. This is great for traveling professors and researchers, or those who are doing research at home through their personal computers.
2.3 How to register Click on register As said registering is very simple. Start by clicking on the Register button below the Login field. Click on register
2.3 How to register Click on Register Individual Then click on individual registration in the middle. Click on Register Individual
2.3 How to register Simply complete the registration form Simply enter some contact information such as: First Name Last Name Email More details are desirable to complete your profile, but you have to fill in the items marked with green stars. Then, select a Username and Password and click OK. Your password must be at least six (6) characters in length. Password may not contain username and must contain at least one (1) alphabetic character and one (1) numeric character. Simply complete the registration form and select a username and password
2.3 How to register You will then see and “Individual Registration Complete” page with your MetaPress ID number. You will also receive an email confirmation You’ll receive an “Individual Registration Complete” page indicating your Username and MetaPress ID number. You will also receive your individual registration and login information via email. On the left hand side it becomes immediately visible that you are logged in with your username and personal Metapress ID number [Instructor: Allow users time to register and create a profile on their PC’s if the workshop is being given in a computer lab.]
Once Logged in you’ll see your Personal Homepage
2.4 Personal Homepage Depending on your role (user, author, administrator etc.) you will see your options. For users these are: Edit details Manage Memberships View Contracts View Subscriptions View Trials View Marked Items Manage Alerts View History View Saved Items Manage Labels
You also have the option of remote access via the Athens Login Once you are registered and logged in you also have the option to Login via Athens. The Athens Authentication Service provides remote access for individuals to many online database and journal services. So if you’re traveling or working from another location you can use this safe remote access service to enter SpringerLink. The Athens Authentication Service provides remote access for individuals to many online database and journal services.
3.0 Browsing SpringerLink With help of Guided Navigation
3.1 Start browsing You can start browsing by: Subject Content type Featured Library Now that we’ve seen just how easy it is to access SpringerLink and log on to the site, let’s take a look at navigating through it. You can start browsing Springerlink’s content by: Subject (any of the 12 subject collections) Content type, if you’re just looking for journals, books or reference works Featured Library – the Chinese and Russian Libraries of Science
3.2 Browse and explore Click on Journals to start browsing all Springer Journals Let’s start by clicking on Journals.
3.2 Browse and explore You are now in the A-Z list of all journals You are now in the A-Z list of all Springer Journals. You’ll see 10 journals listed per page. You are now in the A-Z list of all journals
3.2 Browse and explore There are 2 ways to show the results: Type of publication, journal, book or reference work Title of publication Publisher Print and Online ISSN There are 2 ways to show the results: The Expanded View – which you see now And the Condensed View In the Expanded View you see the following information per result: Type of publication: this can be a journal, book or reference work. Title of the publication – this is clickable and by clicking on it you will enter the main journal page Publisher: for instance Springer Heidelberg or Springer New York Print and Online ISSN And the Subject area the title belongs to. As you can see this title is a Business & Economics publication. Subject Collection the publication belongs to There are 2 ways to show the results: Expanded View Condensed View
3.2 Browse and explore The Condensed View only shows the type of publication and the title of the publication - Download this List - RSS Feed - Email this List - Save this List The access indicators show the access level per title: Green: full access Half green: access to parts of the publication White: no access Looking at the Condensed View you will only see the type and the title of the publication The access indicators on the top and next to each title show the access level you have per title: - Green: full access to all content - Half green: access to parts of the publication White: no access If a title is available through Open Choice, you will also see the Springer Open Choice logo. On the top right hand of the page you see 3 little symbols, from left to right you see: RSS – Really Simple Syndication – Does everybody know what this is? You can email the result list to a colleague Or you can save the result list (for this you have to be a registered user * RSS or Really Simple Syndication is a useful tool for keeping updated on your favorite websites. RSS makes use of an XML code that constantly scans the content of a website for updates and then broadcasts those updates to all subscribers through a feed. When an update is sent out, it includes a headline and a small amount of text, either a summary or the lead-in to the larger story. You will need to click a link to read more. In order to receive RSS feeds, you must have an aggregator, a feed reader. There are a number of aggregators online, many of them free Click on the RSS button and it will instantly add that feed to your aggregator. Depending on your aggregator, you may instead need to copy and paste the URL of the feed into the program. Perhaps you already receive information on website updates through some sort of e-mail newsletter. RSS feeds are preferable to newsletter updates because they are instantaneous; you don't have to wait until a designated day of the week to receive your summary. They will also never be held up by a spam filter.
Jump to Journals starting with: 3.3 Guided Navigation Jump to the next pages Jump to Journals starting with: With help of the guided navigation you can now start browsing further. Just above the listing you can jump to the next pages. On the top right hand side you can jump to journals starting with other letters. With help of the Guided navigation you can start browsing further
3.3 Guided Navigation Go directly to just the new publications Select the publication’s language Just below that you have the option to view just new publications or publications that have been online longer. And at the right hand bottom you can choose to browse further by subject area. Or browse further by subject
3.4 Explore a publication When you’ve found what you’re looking for, just click on the title of the publication and you will end up at the publication page When you’ve found the publication that you are looking for you can simply click on the publication’s title and you will arrive on the publication page. For instance let’s click on the journal Abdominal Imaging and we end up on the Journal’s homepage.
Basic journal information Guided Navigation to search deeper 3.4 Explore a publication Basic journal information Guided Navigation to search deeper The content At the top of the page you will find all basic information on the journal, like the publisher, the ISSN and you can click through to the Journal’s homepage on where you can find more information about the scope of the journal, the editorial board etc. You can also click through to the manuscript submission site, to submit your paper online. Then in the middle you reach the content section of the journal. Again you have different views to view the content: Editorial View – which is shown here – were you can link to the issue numbers Expanded List View Condensed List View The Guided Navigation – always available on the right hand side – gives you the option to navigate further – and narrowing your results.
3.4 Explore a publication Expanded List View Now I will just show you the Expanded List View which shows you all articles with quite some detail.
3.4 Explore a publication Condensed List View And the Condensed List View – with again the listing of articles, but now only with the title, the author and a direct link to the article.
3.4 Explore a publication Search Within this publication Or start searching all content Browse by Content Status Browse by Online Date The Guided Navigation on the right will help you navigate further – and narrowing your results. For the Journal page it will offer you the following categories: Content Status: Published or Online First Online Date – you can jump to the most recent articles The Author And the Article category Browse by Author
Basic Issue information Refine or broaden your search 3.5 Issue display Basic Issue information Refine or broaden your search Article information. Click on the article title to go to the Abstract or on the HTML or PDF link to go directly to the article Let’s go back to the Editorial View and click on an issue. You will then see the main issue page with at the top the basic information on this issue. And in the middle you can see the content – the articles. You have 2 options to proceed from here: Click on the article title and you will see the abstract Or click directly on PDF or HTML to go to the article.
Basic Issue information Opt to open the article in PDF or HTML format 3.6 Article display Basic Issue information Author information Abstract When you click on the title – you will go to the abstract page with information on the author(s), the abstract, the keywords and links to either the PDF or the HTML version of the article. Opt to open the article in PDF or HTML format Keywords
3.6 Article display You can open the article as a PDF. In PDF
3.6 Article display Or as a full text HTML document. In HTML
3.7 Browse by Subject Let’s go back to the home page. You can always return there by clicking on the SpringerLink logo. Now we choose to browse by subject, let’s click on Biomedical and Life Sciences. We will now start browsing the Biomedical and Life Sciences Subject area
We choose the content type books 3.7 Browse by Subject We get an A-Z list of all publications in this Subject We choose the content type books We land on an A-Z list off all publications, articles, entries and chapters in this subject area. We will navigate to the books overview.
3.7 Browse by Subject The guided navigation enables you to browse by: Starting letter Online Date Content Type Language Subject Series Author / Editor Book Type Breadcrum trail You will now see an A-Z overview of all eBooks in Biomedical & Life Sciences. The guided navigation enables you to browse by: Starting letter Online Date Content Type Subject Series Author / Editor Book Type A-Z List of Books in Biomedical and Life Sciences
3.8 Book display Basic information on the book Click on a book title and you will see the main book page. On the top we will see the basic information of the book including the book DOI. Below that you have the option to download the entire book in once as a PDF. And at the bottom you can see the chapter information. Click on a chapter to view more on the chapter. DOI: The Digital Object Identifier (DOI ) is an identification system for intellectual property in the digital environment. Developed by the International DOI Foundation on behalf of the publishing industry, its goals are to provide a framework for managing intellectual content, link customers with publishers, facilitate electronic commerce, and enable automated copyright management. Basic information per chapter
3.9 Chapter display Basic chapter information Export the chapter At the top you’ll again see the basic information on the chapter including the chapter DOI. Then the author/editor information, the abstract and the references. On the right you can access the chapter in PDF. As you can see the books are set up in a similar way as the journals and books and journals are fully integrated on the SpringerLink platform. Access the PDF References
3.10 eReference Works SpringerLink now also includes Major Reference Works Then we will return to the home page again to access another content type: the eReference Works.
3.10 eReference Works The Reference Works are fully integrated on SpringerLink Basic Reference Work information The eReference Works are also fully integrated on SpringerLink and we see a similar lay-out for the main eReference Work page with the basic info at the top and the content below that. Let’s click on an entry. Entries from A-Z
3.10 eReference Works Basic Entry information Now we are on the entry page. The difference between an eBook and an eReference Work is the format in which you can access the content. We just saw we could access an eBook chapter in PDF format, an eReference Work entry is only available in HTML. This has the advantage that it is linked to other entries. All entries available in HTML Entry
4.0 Search Features
4.1 Basic Search Start searching right on the SpringerLink Homepage Enter the keyword or publication you are looking for Searching is easy on SpringerLink. To utilize the Basic Search you can find the “Search” field box located on the SpringerLink homepage. In this field box, simply type in the phrase or word that you are interested in searching for. Just press “enter” or click “GO”. Let’s try a Search so that you can see how easy and fast the results are returned to you by SpringerLink. We enter “plant ecology” and as soon as we hit “enter” or click on “GO” we are brought to a page that lists the results. Start searching right on the SpringerLink Homepage
4.1 Basic Search Your search term is highlighted Refine your search with help of the guided navigation Results are returned on the basis of relevancy. At the top you’ll find the journal Plant Ecology followed by the book and then by journal articles. Your search term is highlighted in yellow. Refine your search again with help of the guided navigation. The search box on the right hand side will search within the current search. The search box at the top is the general search of the entire platform.
4.2 Query Builder Use the Query Builder to improve your search results We return to the homepage to view more option on the search box. Click on the box next to the search field to open the Query Builder to help you build more difficult and longer queries. Say for instance you now the last name of the author and part of the title, use both facts to narrow the result list.
4.3 Advanced Search Choose more options for advanced search options Choose more options to access the advanced search.
4.3 Advanced Search Another option to refine your search is to use the advanced search. Enter a range of publication dates if you’re looking for research from a certain time period Another option to refine your search is to use the advanced search. You can enter a search term, a range of publication dates and indicate how you would like to have the results shown. Choose how you would like to have the results shown
5.0 My SpringerLink
5.1 My SpringerLink These easy to use features make SpringerLink your true research assistant. My SpringerLink offers you: An overview of your marked items (for all users – marked items are saved during the session) For registered users only: Alerts Order history Your saved items And your Favorites This easy to use feature for registered users makes SpringerLink your true research assistant. My SpringerLink offers you: An overview of your marked items Alerts The history of your searches Your saved items And your Favorites Let’s explore these different features.
5.2 Marked Items You will find the My SpringerLink section on the left hand side From the search results you can add results to the marked items – these will only be saved during your session You will find the My SpringerLink section on the left hand side underneath your login information. If you for instance have just done a search, it’s easy to mark certain results, you can simply click on “Add to marked items”
5.2 Marked Items Check of the items you do not need anymore and remove them and you can return to this result later by clicking on “Marked Items”. You can manage the marked items section easily. Check of the items you do not need anymore and remove them. In Marked Items you can then return to part of the results later
5.5 Saved Items Add any entry to your Saved Items – only accessible if you use your personal login You can also add any entry to the Saved Items section.
5.5 Saved Items Manage your saved items: Rename Apply a label Add to your favorites Email a colleague Subscribe to an RSS feed Register for a TOC Alert
5.5 Saved Items Email the entry Edit the entry Delete the entry You can access your Saved Items at any time when you are logged in. This makes it easy to access your favorite publications, articles you need for a paper you are writing etc. For every Saved Item you have the option to: Email the entry to a colleague Edit the entry – I will show you this on the next slide Delete the entry Access your Saved Items at any time when you are logged in
Thank you! Thank you for attending today’s session on SpringerLink. Any questions? You can always email the SpringerLink helpdesk: Or me: