2013-14 Big “I” National Young Agents Committee We are your national young agents committee and we look forward to hosting these calls quarterly with your group. Our main mission is to help young agents and state young agent programs be the best they can be! While this call will act more as an introduction to our offerings, we hope to really hone in on topics important to you as we move forward. Today, we will have all mics on– this is an open discussion– not a presentation. So, since we’ll be working together, I’d like to do a quick round of introductions.
What will you take-away today? What does the national YAC do? What opportunities are there for your young agents to be involved nationally? How do we help? Brainstorming session.
What do we do? Help YOU! Who do we connect with? Who’s in our database? State association staff liaison State committee chair/co-chair who’s been provided Anyone who’s attended a YA event or been presented a scholarship in the last 3-5 years (for events and webinars only, not program updates.) Email susan.bonner@Iiaba.net with any changes and the dates your chairs change hands. Look to: Emails from your regional contacts Monthly-twice monthly emails from Big “I” national Insurance News & Views (association section or State News) www.independentagent.com/youngagents
What do we do? Help YOU! Monthly YAC chat webinars, either presented by Outstanding YAC Award winners, platinum level sponsors or other valuable resource Committee members and staff are available for virtual meetings with your leadership or committee.
Provide leadership and sales education opportunities Plan and promote the annual Leadership Institute. Sept. 12-13 Grand Rapids Mich. Offer scholarships for Big “I” Legislative Conference two first-time attendee $500 scholarships per state. April 9-11 in Washington, D.C. Created a scholarship program the Young Agents Leadership Institute to help more first-time attendees make the national event.
We need your help! Here’s where we need your help. We are trying to build more content into the Big “I” Legislative Conference for young agents. What would be a helpful seminar we could add to the event that your young agents would find valuable? Would it be on a legislative topic? A young agent round table? What would you like to see? Can we quickly go around and take a pulse on arrival and departure dates and times? Is this flexible? We are considering hosting a community services project? Would your attendees stay later on Friday afternoon to participate?
Sept. 12-13 Grand Rapids Mich. The young agents leadership institute is a two-day event held in conjunction with the Big “I” Fall Leadership conference that gives agents an opportunity to obtain leadership, sales, and amazing networking opportunities with carriers. Each year, we host a general session type event w/ACT, Diversity and Trusted Choice to give all attendees amazing take-a-ways We also host a leaders only luncheon where state chairs and liaisons speak openly about successes and challenges of running a state association YAC– no company partners or general YA attendees allowed. The rest of the content is based on feedback from the last year’s event and industry trends. A variety of networking opportunities with young agents, carriers and big I leadership are also aviable. Big “I” Young Agents Leadership Institute Sept. 12-13 Grand Rapids Mich.
Here is some leadership institute feedback Here is some leadership institute feedback. Based on these results, the response to the programming was overall positive. I see good mix, great schedule. I see constructive feedback– that the speakers spoke to agency principals, not young agents– this is something we will work on.
The rankings here are as follows: Sales and marketing Motivational Technology/Branding Leadership From on an association prospect -Member retention -leadership -Fundraising Here’s a topic we are thinking about presenting at the YA leadership Institute: Cyber Liability. Would this topic be of interest to you?
How can we help YOU? How can we help you? Do you have questions? What topics would you like to address in the future on these calls?