Why do a gap year? You will gain: Independence, confidence and a sense of achievement. Skills, experiences and personal qualities that employers value highly. A chance to rethink your future, maybe to change your plans, and to strengthen your reapplication to university. (Universities tell us you are far less likely to drop out after a well-spent gap year.) Fun and new friends.
Structure your 15? months Assuming you can afford not to work the entire time a well structured gap year will probably include Raising money A few months in a working situation (or project) Overseas travel
What could I do? Vast selection of opportunities Choose gap providers very carefully Dont just rely on internet searches If in doubt check out organisations with Gap Year Fairs Cheapest is not always best (or safest)
Specialists in conservation and community projects in South Africa. Projects also available worldwide and UK
Year in Industry
Camp America, BUNAC,CCUSA
Sporty stuff
Also check out some advice sites
When to apply Never too early to start planning Oct/Nov ! Some may be open to late applications (after results in August) but more likely this year than next!