Full Faculty Meeting: 2017 HERI Data Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA Results from the HERI survey that our faculty took in the spring. This survey focuses on faculty engagement in teaching, research, and service activities. And also looks at faculty’s level of stress, satisfaction with their institution, and pedagogical perspective.
Sources of Faculty Stress Faculty’s Perspective on Campus Climate Diversity Collaboration Committee Faculty Senate Faculty Development Council HERI 2017 Survey Rollout Demographics Teaching Practices Research Activities Faculty Satisfaction Sources of Faculty Stress Faculty’s Perspective on Campus Climate Diversity Council CTLA Undergraduate, Master’s, Professional, and Doctoral Studies Councils Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence Faculty Research Council Office of Research and Grants Faculty Senate We will also be providing localized reports to relevant committees, councils, and offices, such as you see here. Provost’s Newsletter Conversation with the Provost on 11/27 Follow up analyses as processed through Faculty Senate Department Chairs Workload and Compensation Council
HERI Faculty Survey 2016-2017 Private Universities— Medium Selectivity University of La Verne Benedictine University Suffolk University Adelphi University St. John's University—New York Duquesne University Immaculata University Widener University—Main Campus Seattle Pacific University Azusa Pacific University Azusa Pacific University Full-Time Teaching Faculty N=334 The 2016-17 HERI faculty survey was taken by 334 of our 492 Fulltime faculty. For the first time, we also had 176 adjunct faculty respond to the survey, though their responses are not included in the data I will be sharing today. The primary comparison group for our data is called Private Universities—Medium Selectivity and you can see the list here. It includes our neighbors down the street, University of LaVerne, and our sister CCU school, Seattle Pacific.
Faculty Satisfaction Improvement and Decline Improvement since 2014 Decline since 2014 Opportunity for Scholarly Pursuits Teaching Load Departmental Leadership Retirement Benefits Autonomy and Independence Flexibility in Family Matters Overall Job Satisfaction Relative Equity of Salary & Benefits Salary Today, due to our limited time, we’re going to focus on the Faculty Satisfaction data, how it breaks down by our undergraduate and graduate faculty, how it compares to the Private University group we just saw, and perhaps most significantly, how it compares to our own responses from three years ago. Overall, we’ve seen improvement in our faculty’s satisfaction with And, we’ve seen decline in our faculty’s satisfaction with
If given the choice, would you still choose to come to this institution? Overall Satisfaction Private Universities 2017 Let’s start with Overall Satisfaction. If given the choice, would you still choose to come to APU? In 2014, 72.8% of full-time faculty responded Definitely Yes or Probably Yes. In 2017, the percentage rose by 5.1 points to 77.9%, which is 3.3 percentage points higher than the Private Universities comparison group. PAUSE Our faculty who only teach grad students were much more likely to select Definitely Yes or Probably Yes than our undergraduate faculty. Still, on their own, undergraduate faculty were overall more satisfied than the Private Universities. COUNT TO 7
Workplace Satisfaction: Autonomy and Independence Ok, so the challenge with presenting a lot of data quickly is that it can all start to look the same. I have ten slides here that all use the same scale and are organized the same way so that you can better compare them. (And these slides will be in the newsletter on Monday, so don’t feel like you need to write this all down.) These slides are set up with Undergraduate and Graduate Faculty on the left. Our comparison group of Private Universities is in the middle. And on the right are all of the full-time faculty, Those who teach grad, undergrad, and both. For all ten of these slides, the overarching question was How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your job? And the possible answers were Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Marginally Satisfied, or Not Satisfied. We’ve included Satisfied and Very Satisfied on these graphs. The aspect being looked at on this first slide is Autonomy and independence, and as you can see, between 2014 and 2017, the satisfaction response rate has gone up by 4.3 percentage points. COUNT TO 7
Workplace Satisfaction: Teaching Load Faculty satisfaction with Teaching Load was 15.4 percentage points higher in 2017 than 2014, which was the second biggest change in a Faculty Satisfaction category outpaced only by Opportunity for Scholarly Pursuits. And, we are within a percentage point of our comparison group. Of course, the bigger story here is probably the difference in teaching load satisfaction between our Undergraduate and graduate faculty. COUNT TO 7
Workplace Satisfaction: Departmental Leadership In Departmental Leadership, we saw a positive change of 11.8 percentage points, putting us above the comparison group. (Kudos to department chairs!) COUNT TO 7
Workplace Satisfaction: Departmental Support for Work/Life Balance A new survey question for 2017 was How satisfied are you with your Departmental Support for Work / Life Balance? Overall, 23.2% were very satisfied, 37.6% were satisfied, 26.7% were marginally satisfied, and 12. 5% were not satisfied. Again, we see a significant differential between graduate and undergraduate faculty. COUNT TO 7
Satisfaction with Compensation: Salary Graduate Faculty are more satisfied with their Salary than our undergraduate faculty and overall satisfaction with salaries has decreased. Across the board, including the Private University comparison group, half of faculty in each category, or less, are satisfied or very satisfied with their salaries.
Satisfaction with Compensation: Retirement Benefits Our faculty appreciation for our retirement benefits has gone up by 6 percentage points and is nearly 10 percentage points higher than the comparison group.
Satisfaction with Compensation: Opportunity for Scholarly Pursuits Here is the satisfaction category that increased more than any other. 62.4% of our faculty are satisfied or very satisfied with their Opportunity for Scholarly Pursuits, which is up by 20.7 percentage points from 2014.
Satisfaction with Compensation: Leave Policies e.g., paternity/maternity leave, caring for a family member, stopping the tenure clock Not surveyed in 2014 Another new question this year has to do with Leave policies. APU faculty are about 3 percentage points more satisfied with their leave policies than the comparison group. Interestingly, there's a 15 point gap between graduate and undergraduate faculty on this issue.
Satisfaction with Relative Equity of Salary and Job Benefits This category, Relative equity of Salary and Job Benefits, is the only category other than Salary that has seen decline since 2014. (5.3 percentage points) At the same time though we remain within 2 percentage groups of the comparison group.
Satisfaction with Flexibility in Relation to Family Matters or Emergencies On the whole, we’ve seen a slight increase in Satisfaction in Relation to Family Matters or Emergencies.
Overall Job Satisfaction This slide is a different way of looking at Overall Job Satisfaction. Instead of asking, would you still choose APU? This simply asks how satisfied are you with your job overall? The percentage of our faculty who are satisfied or Very Satisfied has gone up by 2 points since 2014 and is in line with the comparison group (only .3 percentage points lower). Of course, the question we ask when we see this slide is, even though undergraduate faculty are comparable to the Private University group, how can we increase the job satisfaction of our undergraduate faculty to catch up with that of our graduate faculty? COUNT TO 7
Overall Faculty Job Satisfaction by Race/Ethnicity at APU And finally, here is the same question with the responses of all full-time APU faculty broken our by race and ethnicity. COUNT To 7 Again, this is just the beginning of the process of delving into this data. Please look for these slides in the Provost’s Newsletter on Monday and more information in forthcoming newsletters. And join us for a processing conversation with the Provost on November 27th ■ Very Satisfied ■ Satisfied
Sources of Faculty Stress Faculty’s Perspective on Campus Climate Diversity Collaboration Committee HERI 2017 Survey Rollout Demographics Teaching Practices Research Activities Faculty Satisfaction Sources of Faculty Stress Faculty’s Perspective on Campus Climate Faculty Senate Diversity Council Undergraduate, Master’s, and Doctoral Studies Councils Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence Faculty Research Council Office of Research and Grants Faculty Senate Again, this is just the beginning of the process of delving into this data. Please look for these slides in the Provost’s Newsletter on Monday and more information in forthcoming newsletters. And join us for a processing conversation with the Provost on November 27th Provost’s Newsletter Conversation with the Provost on 11/27, 10am Follow up analyses as processed through Faculty Senate Department Chairs Workload and Compensation Council
Full Faculty Meeting: New Faculty Contract Model Introduction and Process Overview
Six Key Principles All current faculty will maintain their existing overall work expectations and salary. The new contract model will significantly improve our ability to make accurate comparisons to peer institutions. Phase one of the proposal will stay as close to cost neutral as possible in order to prepare for funding potential merit pay increases.
The assessment and evaluation of faculty scholarship will be based on scholarship workload allocation and will make use of the following scholarship productivity classifications: Tier I Tier II Tier III Tier IV 0 units of scholarship after contract changes. 1-3 units of scholarship after contract changes. 4-6 units of scholarship after contract changes. 7 or more units of scholarship after Must meet handbook expectations… for promotion and extended contract only. and must demonstrate some engagement in scholarly presentations and products, consistent with the academic discipline. and must demonstrate regular engagement in scholarly presentations and products for promotion and extended contract, consistent with the academic discipline. and must demonstrate significant engagement in scholarly presentations, publications, or products for promotion and extended contract, consistent with the academic discipline.
Six Key Principles Each school or college will develop the productivity standards for each classification according to their disciplines. Existing policies for overload will remain so that faculty are not penalized by the new model.