Before you begin In order to remain in good standing, every Student Chapter must submit an annual report and pay annual dues. Your faculty advisor will.


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Presentation transcript:

Before you begin In order to remain in good standing, every Student Chapter must submit an annual report and pay annual dues. Your faculty advisor will have been sent a unique link to use to upload your completed annual report, and a unique username/password for your Student Chapter to use to submit your annual dues. Ask your faculty advisor for the unique link you need to submit your completed report. Use this link to pay your annual dues: Ask your faculty advisor for the username/password to complete your payment. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST DAY TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE WHAT YOU NEED TO PAY YOUR ANNUAL DUES AND SUBMIT YOUR ANNUAL REPORT. If you need to have the annual report submission link or the username/password for your annual dues sent to you again, contact (Delete this slide before you submit this portion of your annual report)

Type Your University Name Here Annual Report for American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter Use your own theme and layout (View-slide master or similar). Add photos, logos and graphics. Throughout this template file, text in italics should be replaced with more specific titles.

Contact Information Mailing address Email addresses Web site, Facebook, newsletter, etc. addresses

Student Officers Officer names, email, phone numbers Include dates of service, and it may include 2 sets of officers Photos!

Advisors Faculty and Practitioner names, email, phone numbers Photos!

Financial Summary Dues structure ($/year, semester) As of December 31, 2017 Total income Total expenditures Cash balance Accounts receivable Accounts payable

Goals and Objectives Summary Statement or Mission Statement

Goals and Objectives Title of Goal 1 Title of Goal 2 Title of Goal 3 Three goals are suggested, add more if you wish

Title of Goal 1 Detailed description of goal, i.e. increase membership by 25% Action plan listing tasks of how you planned to achieve your goal Assessment of the data and final outcome Follow-up plan for the future

Title of Goal 2 Detailed description of goal, i.e. increase membership by 25% Action plan listing tasks of how you planned to achieve your goal Assessment of the data and final outcome Follow-up plan for the future

Title of Goal 3 Detailed description of goal, i.e. increase membership by 25% Action plan listing tasks of how you planned to achieve your goal Assessment of the data and final outcome Follow-up plan for the future

Membership Statistics Total number of members Total number of ASCE National Society-level members Percent of members are Society-level members (Society-level/total members) Number of members with Junior and Senior status Number of Juniors and Seniors eligible to join ASCE (CE declared majors) Percent of eligible Juniors and Seniors that are members (Jr&Sr members / Jr&Sr eligible) Fill in numbers (from Statistical Data tab in excel sheet) where words are underlined.

Meeting Statistics Number of professional meetings with an invited speaker Number of meetings with student presentations and/or paper(s) presented Number of professional licensure meetings and/or ethics topics presented Number of field trips Number of social functions Fill in numbers (from Statistical Data tab in excel sheet) where words are underlined.

Meeting Title Highlight a FEW of the best-attended meetings, using one slide per meeting Briefly describe the program and speaker Report the number of attendees Explain why it was popular You DON’T need a slide for every meeting throughout the year Use photos, logos, etc.

Student Conference Title of student conference Location Dates Number students attended Highlights of results (additional slides) Concrete canoe Steel bridge And more… Add slides as necessary to highlight results

Leadership Development Workshop for Student Chapter Leaders (WSCL) Location Dates Number of students and advisors that attended Add a slide for each activity or conference attended. Other activities besides WSCL may be presented as well.

National Conferences National ASCE society – level event Examples ASCE’s 145th Annual Civil Engineering Conference SEI Structures Congress EWRI Congress Any other ASCE Institute national conference Include Location Dates Number of students and advisors that attended Add a slide for each conference attended

Special Projects It is appropriate for ASCE Student Organizations to undertake special projects that will fit in with the “people serving” role of civil engineering. The project should be directed toward community service or a project on campus or in the community that is for the benefit of people outside the ASCE Student Organization and ASCE. The most desirable activities are those requiring engineering expertise, although other service efforts are also worthwhile. Construction of a concrete canoe, steel bridge, or a fundraising project for your ASCE Student Organization do not qualify as “Special Projects”. However, hosting a Student Conference, National Concrete Canoe Competition, or National Student Steel Bridge Competition involves community participation and does qualify as a special project. Other examples include community service projects, National Engineers Week activities, outreach to K-12 students, and other activities that benefit more than the ASCE Student Organization Special prizes may be awarded in recognition of outstanding special projects at the ASCE Student Organization level by the Committee on Student Members. You may include more than one special project. This slide is just a description of acceptable special projects.

Special Project Title Description Engineering component Project impact Goals, objectives How project goals and objectives matched with your Student Chapter goals Pictures, sketches and graphics Engineering component Describe the engineering skills used and how they were applied Project impact Describe the anticipated short and long term impacts of the project for the people and/or community that it will serve Participation Number of students and percent of total membership that worked on the project Number of faculty and practitioners Total person-hours spent on the project Use as many slides as necessary to adequately describe each special project

Summary and Questions What were the most significant events of the year? What were the most significant challenges? Offer to answer any questions It is suggested that you present this slideshow To a student chapter meeting, particularly at the beginning of each year To your local ASCE Section or Branch officers, and/or one of their regular meetings Other audiences as appropriate We would prefer that you limit to 60 slides or less, but if you have more that’s ok. When actually presenting to other groups, reorder the slides (instead of deleting, move extras to the end so you have them if questions come up) to only present a reasonable amount in the time you are given.