Understanding Communication Styles Opening question—How many schools do students typically visit? Personal experiences Tara Carr University of Arkansas Enrollment Services
Test your communication savvy
% of our work day is consumed by talking and listening
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening % of what we hear, we hear imprecisely
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening 75 % of what we hear, we hear imprecisely
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening 75 % of what we hear, we hear imprecisely % of what we hear accurately, we forget within three weeks
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening 75 % of what we hear, we hear imprecisely 75 % of what we hear accurately, we forget within three weeks
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening 75 % of what we hear, we hear imprecisely 75 % of what we hear accurately, we forget within three weeks Words are % of the message Voice tone is % of the message Body language is % of the message
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening 75 % of what we hear, we hear imprecisely 75 % of what we hear accurately, we forget within three weeks Words are 7 % of the message Voice tone is % of the message Body language is % of the message
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening 75 % of what we hear, we hear imprecisely 75 % of what we hear accurately, we forget within three weeks Words are 7 % of the message Voice tone is 38 % of the message Body language is % of the message
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening 75 % of what we hear, we hear imprecisely 75 % of what we hear accurately, we forget within three weeks Words are 7 % of the message Voice tone is 38 % of the message Body language is 55 % of the message
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening 75 % of what we hear, we hear imprecisely 75 % of what we hear accurately, we forget within three weeks Words are 7 % of the message Voice tone is 38 % of the message Body language is 55 % of the message It has estimated that approximately % of workplace mistakes are caused by poor communication.
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening 75 % of what we hear, we hear imprecisely 75 % of what we hear accurately, we forget within three weeks Words are 7 % of the message Voice tone is 38 % of the message Body language is 55 % of the message It has estimated that approximately 80 % of workplace mistakes are caused by poor communication.
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening 75 % of what we hear, we hear imprecisely 75 % of what we hear accurately, we forget within three weeks Words are 7 % of the message Voice tone is 38 % of the message Body language is 55 % of the message It has estimated that approximately 80 % of workplace mistakes are caused by poor communication. Poor communication mistakes cost companies in this country nearly $ each day.
75 % of our work day is consumed by talking and listening 75 % of what we hear, we hear imprecisely 75 % of what we hear accurately, we forget within three weeks Words are 7 % of the message Voice tone is 38 % of the message Body language is 55 % of the message It has estimated that approximately 80 % of workplace mistakes are caused by poor communication. Poor communication mistakes cost companies in this country nearly $ 1 billion each day.
Take the test! Pick the response that BEST DESCRIBES your behavior Make sure your responses are in the context of WORK, not in general Answer HOW YOU BEHAVE, not how you THINK you behave Circle answers on next page and total the number of circles in each column
Group Activity 4 words YOU would use to describe your style 3 words OTHERS would use to describe your style A slogan/saying to put on a t-shirt for your style An animal to represent your style
Traits of STyle: BOLD Sheryl Sandberg & Kevin O’Leary Want immediate results; must be in charge; fear of their work being judged; risk-takers; lack of concern for others; impatient Sheryl Sandbert, Lean In, Facebook COO Kevin O’Leary, Shark Tank
Traits of STyle: Sympathetic Laura Bush & Jimmy Carter Accomplish tasks through cooperation; want stability, cooperation and harmony; fear change (will get on board but don’t like it); team players; overly willing to give in because desire to avoid conflict
Traits of STyle: technical Albert Einstein & Bill Gates Ensure quality and accuracy; want clearly defined performance expectations; fear being criticized for their work; perfectionists; precise; accurate; overly critical of self and others; logical
Traits of STyle: Expressive Bill Clinton & Oprah Winfrey Persuasive; freedom of expression; fear disapproval; want to be liked; enthusiastic; impulsive; lack follow-through
When conflict arises…what do you do? Water? Fuel?
What examples have you seen? Think of specific examples in your workplace where differing communication styles has lead to conflict arising? What could you do in the future to prevent or rectify this situation.
Adapting to other styles at work Consider “The Golden Rule…” Do unto others as you would have them do unto you Practice “The Platinum Rule” in communications… Do unto others as THEY would have you do unto them
Contact Info Tara Carr Assistant Director for New Student Orientation Office of Enrollment Services 479-575-7449 taracarr@uark.edu