Welcome to Year 2 Information Evening We hope you find this useful! Miss Skehan and Miss Thomas
In Year 2 we encourage... Independence A sense of responsibility Some homework Enthusiasm A sense of fun!
Overview of evening General information (settling in) Class trips/events Homework Rewards/sanctions SATs…
General information Lining up in the morning-new! Please bear with us Talking to the teacher-fill in a slip at the office and we will phone you back ASAP P.E-when? Monday in 2T, Friday in 2S Please bring trainers if possible French-when? Monday PPA-when and what? Monday pm, music & art Reading records-please bring them to school EVERY day as we may read with them on different days. Spellings are stuck into the books on a Friday.
Class Trips/activities Sewing in term 2 Florence Nightingale Workshop:13 th December in January Class assemblies-2T: March 29 th, 2S: March 8 th Year 2 cake sale: 21 st January 2011 Swimming in Summer terms Noahs Ark farm in June/July CRB checks-get them done now! Payment-before half term this year-forms will be sent home
Homework Reading-how long for and how do we change books? Whats read in school? Free readers? min per night. When your child finishes a book, you need to sign it and then they will put it in the book box the next day to be changed. We will change books if you have signed to say its been read Spellings-tests on Friday, Learn for Life! Maths-number bonds and times tables Extra bits (occasionally) Music-not a must but it would be great to practise if you have time
Rewards and Sanctions Sanctions - Verbal Warning - Yellow Card (moved) - Red Card – detention for 15mins at lunch time (not that common in KS1) - Missing some/all of playtime or Golden time Rewards - House Points/table points - Praise Assembly certificates -Stickers -Verbal praise -Golden time
End of year assessment (SATs…) What subjects? What happens? What are the tests like? Whats the average result for Year 2? How can I help my child?
What subjects? Literacy (reading, writing and speaking and listening) Numeracy Science (not formally assessed)
What happens? KS1 SATs are no longer the big deal that they once were. (subject to change) Children sit tests during SATs week (they actually enjoy it if we make sound like fun) Teachers then moderate the childs work from the entire year and see if the mark they received in the SATs matches their ability throughout the year. Greater consideration goes to teachers assessment than actual test.
What are the tests like? The tests are done in the classroom and children must work independently. There is no extra pressure put on the children and they are told to just do the best they can. The week is a mix of tests and fun activities
Average results for Year 2 The average score for end of year 2 is a 2b. Some children may be above and some may be below. Results go 1c, 1b, 1a, 2c, 2b, 2a, 3 Always look at the progress your child has made and not where they finish.
How can I help? Dont talk about SATs! Make sure you encourage your child to do their homework thoroughly At home, spend 15 minutes each day reading with your child Find opportunities for your child to use numbers in everyday situations and encourage them to do sums in their head Encourage your child to follow up interests and talk about them Help your child to be ready to learn Ensure your child is not tired at school Ensure your child arrives at school on time
Thank you for Listening! Questions?