Crafting a Compelling Statement of Purpose The Honors & Explore Professional With Dr. Vanessa Corredera, Dr. Shandelle Henson, and Dr. L. Monique Pittman 15 February 2017
Suggestions for Statement of Purpose Show vigorous and specific enthusiasm for your discipline (in terms of learning or research or teaching, etc.) Craft a coherent story of who you are as a thinker, researcher, and future teacher, professional, physician, lawyer, etc. Reveal habits of inquiry What are your governing research questions?
Suggestions for Statement of Purpose Don’t be afraid to “brag” about yourself Provide specific examples of experience Discuss your research activities Mention any teaching experience Mention awards such as research grants Mention enriching experiences (study abroad, shadowing, research assistantship, Honors, leadership activities) Write about activities that show interest in the discipline above and beyond classroom courses
Anomalies in Transcript Take this opportunity to explain any weaknesses in your official record. I had a bad semester because ***. I had a bad GRE score because *** (had a stomach virus that day?) I failed such and such the first time, got an A second time, because *** . Getting off to a slow or bad start and recovering with a bang can be a plus, especially if you explain how you pulled it off, what epiphanies you had, etc. Of course, balance is needed here so as not to overdo it in such a way that you come across as a chronic excuse maker.
SOP Structure Thesis paragraph Concrete story/image/experience that sums up your desire to study and your suitability to graduate school Intellectual biography—classes that have informed thinking and research Research Agenda Mention Honors Thesis / Undergraduate Research Scholarship Teaching Experience/Clinical Experience/ Professional Experience Fit paragraph Who would you like to study with? Why is this program especially suited to your unique interests and talents? Details about the program that are inviting
Knowledge of Program Do not send a generic letter that you send to other schools. Do some homework on the Department or Program to which you are applying: what are its research strengths and which ones specifically interest you? If possible, name specific professors whose research interest you and with whom you would like to work (or think you would like to work). Are there some aspects of the graduate program you find unique or that you like (seminars, brown bags, research training courses, etc.)?
Knowledge of Program Mention any professor who might have suggested the program to you (and why) ...especially if that professor has or has had some connection with the program. Read recent scholarship by professors at the institutions you target The question is not just why do you want to go to graduate school, but why do you want to go HERE to graduate school? (A nice climate and hiking trails and I love bicycling are not right answers.)
Admissions Committees Seek Certain Traits Polish and clarity of presentation Potential of your research interests Current work Future work Flexibility in the context of maturation and growth Flexibility and not rigidity Confidence tempered by self-awareness Excellence and rigor (Honors Program, GPA, variety of courses taken) Familiarity with investigative methods and theoretical schools of thought Familiarity with the profession (medicine, law, etc.)
Admissions Committees Seek Certain Traits Evidence of Resilience Global competencies (aspects of personal diversity) Knowledge of the specific school in question Interdisciplinarity? Professors Programs of interest
Additional Tips Remember when requesting letters of recommendation that you MUST waive your right to see the letter; this demonstrates that you are confident in the letter’s quality and that the letter has absolute integrity and forthrightness Be sure the uniqueness of your personality emerges in the written text (in a professional manner) Do NOT overshare personal details Get started by creating a bullet list of activities and achievements Get words on the page/screen (do not succumb to the paralysis of anxiety) Ensure that you draft and revise multiple times (at least 4-5 times) Proofread ALOUD and BACKWARDS from end to the beginning Solicit critical feedback from peers and professors Start several months ahead of the deadline
Activity Discuss sample Create a list of accomplishments or aspirational accomplishments Start a curriculum vitae (CV)