Brainstorm: What is survival of the fittest? 03.01.16 Catalyst Brainstorm: What is survival of the fittest? How is this related to genetics? I will use proper terms to describe DNA.
Today… DNA vocabulary What Darwin Never Knew What Darwin Never Knew (38.18 or 31.30) DNA vocabulary What Darwin Never Knew
DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid, information storage, made up of nucleotides. Chromosome - a molecule of DNA that passes from parent to offspring Gene - a piece of a chromosome that codes for a specific trait Allele – a type of gene Think about genes and alleles like this… We all have eye color – which color varies.
What would happen if DNA changed every time it was copied? 03.02.16 Catalyst What would happen if DNA changed every time it was copied? I will describe the parts and predict connections in DNA.
Today… What Darwin Never Knew (~10 minutes) DNA structure notes DNA structure practice
(b) Franklin’s X-ray diffraction photograph of DNA Fig. 16-6 Figure 16.6 Rosalind Franklin and her X-ray diffraction photo of DNA (a) Rosalind Franklin (b) Franklin’s X-ray diffraction photograph of DNA
Fig. 16-1 Figure 16.1 How was the structure of DNA determined?
Nitrogenous bases Phosphate Guanine (G) Fig. 16-5 Sugar–phosphate backbone 5′ end Nitrogenous bases Thymine (T) Figure 16.5 The structure of a DNA strand Adenine (A) Cytosine (C) DNA nucleotide Phosphate Sugar (deoxyribose) 3′ end Guanine (G)
5′ end Hydrogen bond 3′ end 1 nm 3.4 nm 3′ end 0.34 nm 5′ end Fig. 16-7 5′ end Hydrogen bond 3′ end 1 nm 3.4 nm Figure 16.7 The double helix For the Cell Biology Video Stick Model of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid), go to Animation and Video Files. For the Cell Biology Video Surface Model of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid), go to Animation and Video Files. 3′ end 0.34 nm 5′ end (a) Key features of DNA structure (b) Partial chemical structure (c) Space-filling model
Purine + purine: too wide Fig. 16-UN1 Purine + purine: too wide Pyrimidine + pyrimidine: too narrow Purine + pyrimidine: width consistent with X-ray data
Cytosine (C) Adenine (A) Thymine (T) Guanine (G) Fig. 16-8 Figure 16.8 Base pairing in DNA
(a) Key features of DNA structure (b) Partial chemical structure Fig. 16-7a 5′ end Hydrogen bond 3′ end 1 nm 3.4 nm Figure 16.7 The double helix 3′ end 0.34 nm 5′ end (a) Key features of DNA structure (b) Partial chemical structure
Practice! Work through the review questions. When you finish, use the nucleotides to build the completed strand. Color code your nucleotides Phosphate, sugar, adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine
03.03.16 Catalyst – Give two ways the structure of bases determines bonding. Cytosine (C) Adenine (A) Thymine (T) Guanine (G)
What Darwin Never Knew Last ~15
Punnett Squares Use parent genotype (combination of alleles) to predict off spring phenotype (physical appearance) For example… If tall plants are dominant to short plants: Give the percent of tall offspring resulting from a cross between two heterozygous tall plants.
Describing genotypes Heterozygous - Aa Homozygous dominant - AA Homozygous recessive – aa
03.08.16 Catalyst - Make three observations about the image. Objective - I will model DNA replication.
Today. DNA replication animation Modeling DNA with k’nex. DNA replication (realistic). Amoeba sisters – animation intro HHMI – realistic
03.09.16 Catalyst In DNA replication, helicase unwinds the molecule. What happens next? Today – I will review our DNA information so far.
DNA realistic animation Review the unit so far Quiz tomorrow!
03.10.16 Catalyst What are Chargaff's rules? Why are the important? I will demonstrate my DNA knowledge.
Packet review/study time I will walk around and check off completed work Review/clarifying questions Quiz!
03.11.16 Name a strategy you will use on the Science ACT. Complete the reflection side.