25-03-2014 PoMs The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant.


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Presentation transcript:

25-03-2014 PoMs The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 608490.  

To PoMs WG Why presenting e4Water to the PoMs WG? It is an initiatives linked to the scope of the WG POM=> Eu funded project on “Making Water Re-Use and Recycling happen” Share with you: Objectives of the project +results/progress so far =>examples from CS Barriers and bottlenecks in the regulatory framework=>message to policy makers

E4Water objectives E4Water is working towards a paradigm shift in industrial water treatment and management in the chemical industry: the main objective of E4Water is to develop, test and validate new integrated approaches, methodologies and process technologies for a more efficient and sustainable management of water in chemical industry with cross-fertilization possibilities to other industrial sectors.

How objectives will be achieved? creating water loop interfaces, synergies and symbiosis: (a) in industry (b) with urban & agricultural water management developing and testing innovative materials, process technologies, tools and methodologies for an integrated water management (e.g. closure of industrial water loops; reuse/recycling of waste water using nano-filtration, RO, MBR technologies ) providing an open innovation approach for testing E4Water developments with respect to other industries implementing and validating the developments in 6 industrial case studies, representing critical problems for the chemical industry and other process industries, implementing improved tools for process efficiency optimization, linking water processes with production processes, and eco efficiency assessment.

6 Industrial Case Studies CS1: Mild desalination of water streams for optimum reuse in industry or agriculture at affordable costs (Lead by Dow, Netherlands) CS2: Enhance the water reuse by global management and synergy identification on a multi-company site (Lead by Solvic NV, Belgium) CS3: Ensure process continuation by closing the water loop and minimising fresh water use (Lead by Solvin Ibérica SL Spain) CS4: Enhance in-process water loop enclosure by integrating biocidal with wastewater treatment technologies (Lead by PGB, N.V., Belgium) CS5: Towards integrated water management system in petrochemical site (Lead by Total, France) CS6: Microalgae bioextraction technology in a symbiotic industrial wastewater treatment concept creating added value (Lead by CBD, Denmark)

E4Water concept

Technology development: Technological reduction and management of risks associated with advanced loop closure (Lead by VITO, Belgium (technologies for CS4,5) Optimisation and debottlenecking of separation processes (Lead by UCM Spain (technologies for CS3,4) Mild and extensive demineralisation technologies for process water production (Lead by TNO, Netherlands (technologies for CS1,2,3) Integration of processes to allow residual heat, nutrients and value products to be reused (Lead by DTU (technologies for CS1,2,3,6)

19 E4Water partners Process Industry: Solvic NV (Belgium); Solvin SL (Spain); Dow Benelux BV (Netherlands); Procter & Gamble (Belgium); Total Petrochemicals SA (France); Cluster Biofuels Denmark CBD (Denmark) Industrial Technology Provider: Ondeo Industrial Solutions SA (France); Evides Industriewater BV (Netherlands) Applied Research: Technical University of Denmark DTU; Technical University of Delft; Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW; Complutense University Madrid & Technical University Berlin TUB, RTD Center: Campden BRI (UK), IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, TNO (Netherlands) & Vito (Belgium) Scientific Technical/chemical Process Industry Platform: Dechema e.V. (Germany) Industry Association: Cefic (Belgium)

CS1-Dow The pilot plant in Terneuzen (The Netherlands) was successfully started and officially opened 11/2013 Two desalination techniques selected for mild desalination of different brackish water streams: nanofiltration (NF) and electro dialysis reversal (EDR) Research plan until 2016 to address all research questions for the pilot plan testing

CS 2-Solvay 3modules: first and second produce high- quality process water for internal use (in the first Ultrafiltration + Reverse Osmosis installed; in the second Ultrafiltration + Reverse Osmosis work in progress) . The last module test the reuse of high salty waste waters from external partners directly in the Solvic production (building just started). After e4Water: “Industrial experimental garden” : demonstration of new technologies and advanced loop closure

CS 6-Kalundborg On October 2013 Kalundborg opened its demonstration facility at Kalundborg Utilities the symbiotic approach, where one industry’s residue is another industry’s resource, residual streams such as excess steam, heat, nutrients, carbon dioxide, are reused by microalgae “cell-factories” to obtain of purified water ,creating added value of valuable compounds from algae biomass Greenhouse at the Kalundborg Symbiosis Detail of the Photobioreactor

Regulatory barriers Focus on three issues : Industrial permit Valorisation of high concentrated streams Water reuse Standards + Investment in water innovation

1. Industrial Permit Pollution discharge limits- ELVs establised on the basis of BAT-AELs under BREF process => Based on pollution concentrations instead of loads Emerging issue under E4Water : Water savings have to be taken into account for emission limits values under the industry permit

2. Valorisation of high concentrated streams High concentrated streams from wastewater treatment =>under Waste Framework Directive (for reuse/recycling of waste) and REACH (for recycled substances to be put on the market) Emerging issue under E4Water: -Different EoW Criteria in Member States impact the exchange of industrial material between industrial Partner in different countries/within the same country -Need for access to ECHA information for substances aready registered to be put again on the market

3. Reuse Standards Water reuse standard are regulated differently at member state level=> WG PoMs works on reuse standards Emerging issue under E4Water : Tailor- made solutions for water reuse: e.g. agriculture; Industry

+ Investment in water innovation High capital cost vs short pay back for companies Long time lapses for changes / improvement introduced Emerging issue under E4Water : EU Funds (Horizon 2020 and beyond) as well as national founds (programme of measures implemented in the River basin management plants) should be allocated for the uptake of water innovation=>joint public-private innovation initiatives for innovation in the water sector and in the manufacturing industry

Thank you for your attention! For info: contact project coordinator -Thomas Track -Dechema eV -track@dechema.de