CLASS OF 2017 Freshman 4 Year Planning
YOU Interests Strengths Skills FUTURE PLANNING
COURSES AND CREDIT Courses English Math Science Social Studies World Language Fine Arts Applied Arts Health P.E. Traffic Safety Consumer Ed PSAE TOTAL CREDITS Variable Non Credit Req
ENGLISH Junior - Full Year Courses American Literature and Composition (CP and CP Survey) American Studies (Combined with U.S. History) American Studies CP Survey (Combined with U.S. History CP Survey) AP English Language and Composition Senior - Full Year Courses AP English Literature and Composition Immigrant Voices in Literature Contemporary Literature *Comedy and Tragedy *Writing and Composition *Reading, Writing and Producing Media *Reading and Writing Survey *Course can also be taken as an elective sophomore or junior year Sophomore - Full Year Courses English II (Honors, CP) English II + Reading (CP)
MATHEMATICS Honors College Prep and College Prep Survey *AP Calculus BC *Multivariable Calculus *Pre-Calculus Honors *Algebra II with Trigonometry Honors *AP Calculus AB *AP Statistics Any student who completed these courses with a B- or better is eligible and encouraged to take AP Statistics AP Computer Science Geometry *Algebra II with Trigonometry Geometry Survey Algebra II Discrete Math Algebra I Survey These electives courses have prerequisites. See Program of Studies for course requirements *Pre- Calculus Trigonometry & Related Topics Algebra I Calculus Electives What is diagonal movement?
SCIENCE Sophomores Juniors and Seniors Physics (CP and CP Survey) Chemistry (Honors, CP and CP Survey) Health *Required for all Sophomores Chemistry (Honors, CP and CP Survey) Biology (Honors, CP and CP Survey Physics (Honors and CP) Seniors Only Anatomy and Physiology (1 semester) Astronomy (1 semester) AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science AP Biology Environmental Science AP Physics C: Mechanics/Electricity and Magnetism Freshmen Physics Survey Physics Physics Honors
SOCIAL STUDIES CourseSophomoreJuniorSenior World History Ancient to Mod (CP and CP Survey) AP European History U.S. History (AP, CP and CP Survey) American Studies/History (CP and CP Survey) Economics (1 semester) AP Micro/Macroeconomics Political Science (1 semester) Psychology (1 semester) AP Psychology Sociology (1 Semester) Topics in World Affairs International Relations (1 semester) Urban History: Chicago (1 semester)
WORLD LANGUAGES Spanish Survey I and II (Colleges may count these as the equivalent of one year), Spanish Survey III All first year courses: Chinese I, French I, Hebrew I, Italian I, Spanish I, SNS I French V, Spanish V College Prep Credit only All second year courses: Chinese II, French II, Hebrew II, Italian II, Spanish II, SNS II All third year courses: Chinese III, French III, Hebrew III, Italian III, Spanish III, SNS III All fourth year courses: Chinese IV, French IV, Hebrew IV, Italian IV, Spanish IV College Prep or Honors Credit AP French Language AP Spanish Language Honors Credit only
Fine Arts Visual Art Offerings
FINE ARTS Performing Arts Course Offerings Stage Design & Technology Full Year or One Semester Tech Theatre I-II Stage Design III-IV Acting Full Year Acting I-II Advanced Theatre Performance One Semester Acting I Acting II Acting III Directing Film Making Full Year Film Making I-II One Semester Film Making I Dance Full Year Dance I Dance II Dance III Dance IV SEE PROGRAM OF STUDIES FOR HONORS OPTIONS Music Full Year Concert Band Guitar I-II Wind Ensemble Wind Symphony Jazz Lab Jazz Ensemble Concert Orchestra Symphony Orchestra Chamber Orchestra Concert Choir Treble Ensemble Chorale Swing Choir Music Theory A.P. Music Theory One Semester Digital Music Production
APPLIED ARTS One Semester Graphic Design II (2 nd semester) Advanced Graphic Design IV Full Year 3D Animation I 3D Animation II 3D Animation III 3D Animation IV Intro to Engineering Design I (H) Principles of Engineering Design II (H ) Design Technology Family and Consumer Sciences One Semester Pre-School Lab: Intro to Teaching Child Development Creative Cuisine Fashion and Interior Design Individual and Career Development* Personal Living* Family Living* Full Year Accounting Honors* Intro to Business* One Semester Business Law* Entrepreneurship Marketing for Sports and Entertainment Management/Leadership Computer App / Keyboarding Work Partnership Program Business *Meets Consumer Ed Requirement SEE PROGRAM OF STUDIES FOR HONORS OPTIONS
CONSUMER EDUCATION Students at HPHS can meet this state requirement by earning credit in any of the following courses: Freshman / Sophomore Courses: Introduction to Business Individual and Career Development Economics Junior/ Senior Courses: Personal Living or Family Living (seniors only) Consumer Economics (summer school only) Work Partnership Program TPI Lifeskills Business Math Fundamentals AP Economics (seniors only) Economics Business Law Accounting Honors
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Sophomores Sophomore P.E. Traffic Safety Juniors & Seniors Unique P.E. Dual Language Unique P.E. Outdoor Adventure Lifetime Sports Co-ed Team Sports Team Sports for Boys Strength Training and Conditioning Group Fitness Yoga Lifeguarding Dance I Dance II Dance III Dance IV: Collage Adaptive P.E. Junior P.E. Leaders / Lifeguarding Senior P.E. Leaders Peer Teaching to Special Needs Students (with departmental approval) You may repeat P.E. electives!
TECH CAMPUS Students must apply for this program. Available programs include: HUMAN SERVICES PROGRAMS Certified Nurse Assisting Criminal Justice Cosmetology Culinary Arts Early Childhood Education Emergency Medical Services Fire Fighting Medical Assisting TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMS Automotive Service Collision Repair COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMS Digital Video Production Game/Java/C++ Programming Graphic/Web Design Photographic Design MANUFACTURING/INDUSTRIAL PROGRAMS Building Trades Computer Networking Computer Support Services Photonics Welding/Fabrication