Transition Year Programme Loreto Letterkenny
Core Subjects Irish3 class periods English3 class periods Mathematics 3 class periods European Language3 class periods Physical Education2 class periods Religious Education3 class periods ComputersECDL6 class periods
ECDL Basic concepts in Information Technology Using a computer & managing files Word Processing Spreadsheets Databases Presentation – power point Web Browsing & Communication
Modules Craft Cookery Home Design History Music Art Biology Chemistry Business Geography Physics Careers
Action Modules Mini-company Young Social Innovators Art Portfolio
Work Experience Two work placements – 15 weeks each 1 st : Sept 12 th – Jan 9 th 2 nd : Jan 16 th – May 15 th One day per week – 6 hours minimum 20% of each week - Wednesday Dental or Medical appointments should be arranged for a regular school day if possible
Work Experience The diary must be signed each week by the employer. The student must complete the relevant section of the diary each week or a note from home if the student has been sick. The diary is checked each week in school during the co-ordination class.
Examples of Placements Leisure Centres National Schools Pharmacys Shops e.g. Clothes, Food, DIY, etc. Hairdressers News Papers Offices e.g. Accountants, Solicitors, Architects, etc. Hotels Childcare and Pre school
Fund Raising s Irish Society for Autism Pink Ribbon Day The Alzheimer's Society Arthritis Ireland Daffodil Day Guide Dogs for the Blind Irish Heart Foundation Lourdes Fund – bag packing ISPCC Carol Singing
Special Projects Faith Friends – Religion Department John Paul II Award – Religion Department Gaisce – The Presidents Award European Youth Parliament Donegal Youth Council BT Young Scientist Exhibition Scifest
Gaisce Bronze Award To achieve this award a student must complete 13 hours in each of the following plus an additional 13 hours in any one section: Community Skill Physical In addition they must complete a Venture Project 2 days and 1 night to include a 25km walk!!
Expenses Sept - Oct Team Building 10 Gartan105 Retreat10 Gaisce10 ECDL50 Beo5 Home Economics12 Nov – Dec Belfast10 Skydome5 Beo5 Jan – Apr First Aid35 Pottery10 May- End of Year YSI Dublin50 Gleveagh10 Total 327
Additional Costs TY TourChester/Alton Towers270 Every effort will be made to collect the money on one day per term for the outings. The money or cheque should be in an envelope with the name of the student and the class. Please note that the prices quoted are for the 2011 – 2012 school year there may be an increase for
Activities in School Talent show Jump for Joy First Aid Creative Writting Cupcake Decorating Cinema Theatre Talks Foyle Film Festival Beo Workshop
KEY TO SUCCESS Attendance Participation
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