Lesson 12 Basic First Aid Special thanks and credit to Mr. Chris Chinchilla and Quartz Hill Young Marines
Program Requirements PO.9 – Fitness, Health, and First Aid EO.4 – Understand the importance of basic first aid TLO.a – Define first aid TLO.b – Explain the importance of having knowledge of first aid basics TLO.c – Explain who within the program should be first aid certified
What is “First Aid”? First Aid: Immediate care given to a victim until the services of trained personnel arrive. Immediate care: helping a hurt person right away by getting them away from the danger or preventing more danger Victim: a person who has been hurt Trained personnel: ambulance technicians, nurses, doctors
A Civic Responsibility First Aid training is recognized as an important aspect of being a responsible citizen. In the event of a major catastrophe (such as an earthquake, tornado, hurricane, etc.), medical and hospital services may not be available. Citizens must rely on caring for their own injuries as well as those of others. Possession of First Aid knowledge is a CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY – the responsibility of each citizen to help a fellow citizen who is hurt.
First Aid in the Young Marines In the Young Marines, each member, whether Young Marine or adult, should be First Aid trained. This will enable you to properly care for your fellow Young Marines who are sick and/or injured.
In Case of Emergency First aid training will take place within our unit. Until you are First Aid and CPR certified, you should follow these steps in case of an emergency: Assess the situation – make sure you know what happened and how injured or sick the victim is. Ask for help – look around for the nearest person who is First Aid and CPR certified. If no one around you is certified, make sure someone stays with the victim while you go for help. Know who to go to – make sure you know who in your unit, Adults and Young Marines, is First Aid and CPR certified. Be sure someone calls for emergency services (if needed) or the Young Marine’s parent/guardian.
Unit Chain of Command Fill in this slide before presenting to Recruits
Scenario #1 YM/Pvt Jones is running the shuttle run during his PFT. On his last leg, he stumbles, twists his ankle, and scrapes his knee. He is lying on the ground holding his ankle and says he can’t stand up on it. What would you do?
Scenario #2 YM/Cpl Smith is hiking with her unit in the woods when she is stung by a bee. She’s never been stung before and says that the stinger really hurts. What would you do?
Scenario #23 YM/Cpl Smith is hiking with her unit in the woods when she is stung by a bee. She’s never been stung before and says that the stinger really hurts. The place where she was stung starts to swell and turn red and she begins to have trouble breathing. What would you do?
Scenario #4 YM/Sgt Brown is running the endurance run of the PFT when he starts to feel light headed. You notice that his face is very red and he is breathing really hard. He was running next to you, but he starts to slow down. Suddenly, he falls to the ground. His eyes are closed, and he doesn’t respond when you tap his shoulder. What would you do?
First Aid Kits
First Aid Kit Basics Whether you buy a first aid kit or put one together, make sure it has all the items you may need: Include any personal items such as medications and emergency phone numbers or other items your health- care provider may suggest. Check the kit regularly and replace items that are missing or low on supplies. Check expiration dates and replace any used or out-of- date contents. American Red Cross, 2018
First Aid Kit for Groups and Families 2 absorbent compress dressings (5 x 9 inches) 25 adhesive bandages (assorted sizes) 1 adhesive cloth tape (10 yards x 1 inch) 5 antibiotic ointment packets (approximately 1 gram) 5 antiseptic wipe packets 2 packets of aspirin (81 mg each) 1 blanket (space blanket) [Available on the Red Cross Store] 1 breathing barrier (with one-way valve) for CPR 1 instant cold compress 2 pair of nonlatex gloves (size: large) 2 hydrocortisone ointment packets (approximately 1 gram each) Scissors 1 roller bandage (3 inches wide) 1 roller bandage (4 inches wide) 5 sterile gauze pads (3 x 3 inches) [Available on the Red Cross Store] 5 sterile gauze pads (4 x 4 inches) Oral thermometer (non-mercury/nonglass) 2 triangular bandages Tweezers First aid instruction booklet No need to read the entire slide -
Your Personal First Aid Kit 6 adhesive bandages (Band-aids) 2 sterile gauze pads, 3-by-3-inch 1 small roll of adhesive tape 1 Moleskin, 3-by-6-inch 1 small bar of soap 1 small tube of antiseptic 1 pair of scissors 1 pair of latex gloves 1 mouth-barrier device for rescue breathing or CPR 1 pair plastic goggles or other eye protection 1 pencil with paper Activity Option One - give each team a box containing an empty First Aid kit and all of the contents. Walk them through how to pack their First Aid kit. As you get to each piece of the kit, ask them why they think it should be included and what it would be used for.
Your Personal First Aid Kit Your box will contain an empty first aid kit and all of its contents. Your job is to work with your team to pack the first aid kit so that all of the items fit, are organized, and are easily accessible. As you pack each piece, discuss with your group what it would be used for. This will also help you decide how to pack your kit since items that will be most used should be the easiest to reach in and grab. When you finish, go over the First Aid Kit Packing List and make sure you have all the required items. Then, check your box with your instructor.
Discussion What are the best ways to pack a First Aid Kit? Where should First Aid kits be located? What items in the First Aid kit do you think will need to be restocked most often? How often should you check a First Aid kit to see if it needs to be restocked?
Additional Scenario YM/LCpl Tracy is helping to build the campfire at the unit encampment. The fire lights too quickly and she burns her hand. The burn immediately turns red and makes a blister. What would you do?
Additional Scenario YM/Pfc Thomas is hiking with his unit when something flies into his eye. He didn’t see what it was, but he can’t open his eye and says it really hurts. What would you do?
Reflection Why is it important to know First Aid? Why is it important to become First Aid certified?