スーパーカミオカンデ1140日の 大気ニュートリノ観測 日本物理学会@新潟大 2000. Sep. 22 スーパーカミオカンデ1140日の 大気ニュートリノ観測 nm → nt 2世代解析 nm-nt-ne 3世代解析 n n ratio の測定 大林 由尚 (東京大学宇宙線研究所) 他 Super-Kamiokande Collaboration
Event Categories nm CC, ne CC, NC nm CC ~100GeV (Through m) Fully Contained (FC) nm CC, ne CC, NC <En>~1GeV Partially Contained (PC) nm CC <En>~10GeV Upward Going Muon (Upm) <En>~10GeV (Stop m) ~100GeV (Through m)
Observed Events (SK 1140day) Sub-GeV (Evis<1.33GeV) Multi-GeV (Evis>1.33GeV) FC DATA MC single ring 5017 6023.5 e-like 2531 2402.6 m-like 2486 3620.9 multi ring 1885 2321.5 TOTAL 6902 8345.0 FC DATA MC single ring 1078 1294.1 e-like 576 555.4 m-like 502 738.7 multi ring 1198 1470.1 TOTAL 2276 2764.2 PC 665 945.1
Zenith Angle P(osc)= sin22q・sin2(1.27Dm2L/E) U/D(Multi-GeV FC+PC)= ●DATA ーMC(w/o osc.) ーMC(w/ osc.) Zenith Angle P(osc)= sin22q・sin2(1.27Dm2L/E) U/D(Multi-GeV FC+PC)= 0.54±0.04±0.01
2 Flavor Oscillation Analysis (nm-nt) Oscillation Analysis by FC + PC + Upmu Best Fit: c2min=135.4/152d.o.f @ sin22q=1.00 Dm2=3.2x10-3eV2 Assuming null osc.: c2min=316.2/154d.o.f Allowed region @90%C.L.: 0.88<sin22q 1.5x10-3<Dm2<5x10-3 (eV2)
3 Flavor Oscillation Analysis (nm-nt-ne) Dm2atm Approximation: Dm223>> Dm212 Dm223= Dm2atm>10-3eV2 Dm212= Dm2sol<10-4eV2 Dm223 ~Dm213 ≡Dm2 Osc. Probability: Parameters: (sin2q13,sin2q23,Dm2) Matter effects considered as 5 step density function m22 Dm2sol ( ) m12
3 Flavor Analysis Result Data Set: FC + PC Best Fit: (ê) sin2q13=0.019, sin2q23=0.55, Dm2=2.5x10-3eV2 sin2q13<0.34 @90%CL Consistent with pure maximal nm→nt(Ñ) Consistent with CHOOZ ê Ñ ê ê
Measurement of nm - nm ratio Motivation: A test of the atmn flux prediction In the case of nm+ N → m- X : m- can be captured by nucleus # decay electron ↓ (m- life → short) Data & MC are consistent within 1s
Summary nm – nm ratio: Atmospheric Neutrino @ Super-Kamiokande Livetime: 1140days 2 flavor oscillation analysis: (@90%C.L.) Mixing angle: sin22q>0.88, Mass difference: Dm2=1.5~5x10-3eV2 3 flavor analysis: sin2q13<0.34 (@90%C.L.) consistent with pure nm→nt, CHOOZ nm – nm ratio: Data & MC are consistent within 1s
Transparencies for the Back Pocket
Atmospheric Neutrino Production Flavor ratio
Super-Kamiokande 50.0kt Pure Water 22.5kt Fid.Vol. 1000m UnderGround (2700m.w.e.) 11146 PMTs for ID 1885 PMTs for OD Operation started in Apr. 1996
Oscillation Analysis with 3D Flux Calculation Preliminary Oscillation Analysis by FC + PC + Upmu Best Fit: c2min=147.8/152d.o.f @ sin22q=1.00 Dm2=3.5x10-3eV2 Incl. Unphys. Region: c2min=146.7/152d.o.f @ sin22q=1.05 Dm2=3.5x10-3eV2
nt or nsterile? nm→nsterile oscillation is disfavored at 99% C.L. NC enrich #ring>1 e-like Evis>400MeV High E PC Evis>5GeV Up thru m