Jobs Organization Reversions/Carryforward Encumbrance Forward Labor Balance Forward Close Out Nominal Balances Beginning Balance Carryforward Inception to date balances
Jobs Each of the year-end programs create Origin Entry Groups for pre-editing by GLCP and later processing by the accounting cycle. Organization Reversions and Carry Forwards (Optional) Driven by the GL Balance (GLBL) table and Organization Reversion reference tables. Computes budget and cash reversion and carry forward amounts based on a set of defined business rules. Organization Reversion Prior Year Account Job Creates a copy of the current years accounts for use in Year End jobs.
Jobs Encumbrance Forward Selects from the Open Encumbrance File (GLEC). Sets up outstanding encumbrances for the new fiscal year. Purchase Orders roll over from year to year. Labor Balance Forwards Selects from Labor Balance (LLBL) and creates inception to date balances for select groups of accounts.
Jobs Close Out of Nominal Activity Based on the balances GL Balance (GLBL), this program closes all nominal activity (Income and Expenses) to Fund Balance in the year being closed. Must run after Organization Reversions if that program is part of closing. Beginning Balance Forwards Carries forward GL Balances (GLBL) for Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balance as Financial Beginning Balances and cumulative income, expenses and budget as inception to date balances. Must run after Closing Nominal Activity to accurately bring forward Fund Balance.
Other Jobs Auto Disapprove Specify the Document types that should NOT be disapproved. Specify the Parent Document types that should be disapproved. Fiscal Year Makers Creates next years table Run in Aprilish – to facilitate next years purchases Set Parm: Allow Encumber Next Year Days Genesis Creates Budget Construction
Parameters BalanceForwardStep Balance types to roll forward for Balance Sheet (AC;NB) Balances types to roll forward for Income Statement (AC;CB) Sub Fund Groups for Inception to Date Reporting (eg Plant Funds) EncumbranceForwardStep Offset object code for external encumbrance (Purchase Orders – Fund Balance object code) Forward Encumbrance Balance Type and Origin Code (includes or excludes encumbrances) Forward Encumbrance Balance Types
Parameters NominalActivityClosingStep Net Expense Object Code Net Revenue Object Code Payment Request Processing – Year End Allow Backpost Days – number of days after fiscal year end a PREQ is allowed to post to the previous year.
Year End Docs Post to 13 th Period – usually 7/1 – mid July YE Distribution of Income and Expense YE Budget Adjustment YE General Error Correction YE Transfer of Funds
Day 0 Schedule: organizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob encumbranceForwardJob laborBalanceForwardJob
Day 1 Review output from organizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob encumbranceForwardJob laborBalanceForwardJob If output looks good do GLCP/LLCPs to get the files into this evenings batch cycle. Schedule: nominalActivityClosingJob
Day 2 Make sure the entries from these 3 jobs posted without incident: organizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob encumbranceForwardJob laborBalanceForwardJob Review output from nominalActivityClosingJob If output looks good do a GLCP to get the file into this evenings batch cycle. Schedule: balanceForwardJob
Day 3 Make sure the entries from this job posted without incident: nominalActivityClosingJob Review output from balanceForwardJob If output looks good do a GLCP to get the file into this evenings batch cycle.
Day 4 Make sure the entries from this job posted without incident: balanceForwardJob Miller Time