Heuristic Evaluation Results Prototype Status/Live Demo! Talking Points Heuristic Evaluation Results Prototype Status/Live Demo!
HE Results level 3 and 4 issues Revised UI
Login/Logout Violations No logout functionality (planned fix using profile page) Back button during account creation (resolved) 1 - severity 4, user control and freedom, user has to exit and relaunch app to switch accounts 2 - severity 3, help w/ errors, back button on dietary restrictions page is confusing, unclear if by pressing this sign up is halted Revisions - we have removed the back button during sign up process and will be implementing logout functionality
Account Settings Violations No ability to edit profile/account settings after account creation (planned fix using profile page) Monitoring of user preferences (future work) 1 - severity 3, user control and freedom, user cannot modify dietary preferences after setting them during sign up 2 - severity 2, flexibility and efficiency of use, long term users likely have preferences for time, price, distance, etc…, this info should be gathered and stored in their profile and used for default displays/suggested events Revisions 1 - will be adding a profile page which stores user information and allows for the user to return and edit their dietary restrictions 2 - While it would be nice to have, we will not be implementing any “smart” features which monitor and gauge user preferences for better recommendations
Displayed Content Violations Display of irrelevant/distracting information (partially resolved) Unclear relationship between category and overall ratings (overall ratings is an average of dietary restrictions ratings) 1 - severity 3, consistency and standards, restrictions that are not relevant to the user are displayed in the events view - can cause user to doubt trustworthiness of app 2 - severity 3, consistency and standards, overall rating to search by vs rating breakdown on restaurant page is confusing b/c unclear how the two relate - can cause user to doubt trustworthiness of app Revisions 1- we believe that displaying all applicable restrictions can play a beneficial role if a user wants to take a friend/spouse to an event and we are trying to be inclusive for all restrictions; we did remove the number of people going in an attempt to reduce the info displayed on the page 2-Only 1 reviewer found this as an error and we believe that by showing the ratings on the discover restaurants page the relationship hopefully clearer
Event Creation Process Violations “Next” buttons and the resulting function may be unclear (resolved) Cancel vs. back button (resolved) date/time selection (resolved) No functionality to save drafts of events (future work) 1 - severity 4, consistency and standards, next is confusing because user doesn’t know what comes next or what they need to do to be able to click next 2 - severity 3, match system and real word, back button seems unintuitive as the way to cancel an event creation 3 - severity 3, error prevention, no placeholder text makes it easy for user to input invalid entries 4 - severity 3, error prevention, no way to save a draft of an event you are in the process of creating revisions 1 - kept button b/c ios standard, but now each task occupies its own screen making it clearer to the user what next does and how to get there 2 - date picker, user cannot type in 3 - now have a cancel button on first screen, but once you proceed still have to click back - we figure if the user made an error in clicking into create an event they will realize it before proceeding 4 - nice to have and we would like to implement it but it is not key to our functionality and it may not make it into this prototype
Event Location Selection Violations Restaurant searchability (planned fix) What does available/unavailable mean? (resolved) 1 - severity 4,user control and freedom, there is no easy way for a user to filter restaurants if they have a certain criteria in mind already 2 - severity 3, consistency and standards, available/unavailable is unclear - not sure what it means Revisions - 1 - it is our goal to add a filterable drop down menu as shown in discover restaurants page for the final prototype 2 - We removed available/unavailable tag
Automatically Populated Fields Violations Suggested friends to invite (resolved/future work) Event photo (future work) Dietary restriction tag(s) (resolved) 1 - severity 3,user control and freedom, unclear how this list is generated, does the user have any control over this? 2 - severity 3, user control and freedom, no way for the user to edit/select the event photo 3 - severity 3, consistency and standards, unclear what determines the dietary restriction tags for events Revisions - 1&2 - these are nice to have, but not necessary and we will implement if there is time but it is not key to our functionality or the experience at this point 3 - the tags are those associated with the restaurant
Implementation Status The Prototype Implementation Status
Tools Xcode and objective c with cocoapods How did they help? Cocoapods make coding easier How did they not help? Again issue that these tools are only mac compatible and half of our team has PC’s
Live Demo Talk more in depth about implemented features and hard coded data while going throught the demo
Implemented Features Find Restaurants (task 1) Join Events - almost done (task 2) Create Events - almost done (task 3) talk about while doing demo (slide is just for reference) Task 1 - search for restaurants by scroll, keywords, or filters; see other users ratings and comments; see restaurant details; see events at that restaurant Task 2 - find events by scroll or filter searches; see event details, join and unjoin events; see others going Task 3
No Wizardry Required (just a little bit of hard-coding) Restaurant List Restaurant Ratings and Reviews Events List Other Users Restrictions List Just show bullets briefly but talk about while doing demo
There’s Still A Lot On Our Plate Login/Sign Up Pages Logout functionality Account and Profile Creation/Editing Event Management Event Chat Functionality Login/sign up - pages are partially coded just need to be fully incorporated; need to add search dietary restrictions functionality, we may add successful account creation message; change chew color Logout functionality from profile page accessed through tab bar Need to add profile page where user can control settings - ie change diet tags and logout - this will be accessible through a new option on the bottom tab bar Event management - functionality is complete but pages currently empty upon login -> should we fake some of the data for user experience during showcase? Event chat - this is a feature we would like to have but have not prioritized because it is not essential, assuming we have the time we will add this functionality as indicated in the med-fi and convos will be hardcoded/user will not be able to participate in a live chat
Summary A lot already done Lots still to do But we’re feeling good!
Thank You
HE Results Level 0, 1, and 2 issues Revised UI
Login/Logout Violations Readability (planned fix) Successful account creation is never indicated to user (planned fix) User’s selection of dietary restrictions is limited (future work) 1 - severity 1, aesthetic and minimalist design, meetchewthere is difficult to read because all three words are together as one and the same color. Also the words or and sign in are small and in the same color as everything else making them difficult to read. Finally, the amount of blue on the dietary restrictions selection page may lose the user’s attention (ie too boring and everything fades to the background making it hard to read) 2 - severity 2, visibility of system status, user clicks done after picking restrictions and then is brought to app homepage, there is never any message to the user that their account was successfully created 4 - severity 2, user control and freedom, the user can only choose from the list of provided dietary restrictions which may be an issue if their restriction is not provided and they do not have the ability to rank order/specify the severity of their given restrictions. Revisions: 1 - chew color will be changed, we just have to play around in sketch to figure out the exact right color; font sizes will be increased; blue background will likely stay 2 - we plan to display a pop up telling the user that their account creation was successful 3 - it is not feasible for us to support any and all dietary restrictions at this time because our app depends on curated and hard coded data so we have focused on the most common restrictions. We recognize that this may limit its applicability to users with rarer allergies, but we feel it is necessary to first target the larger allergy communities and then in the future slowly expand to include other restrictions.
Discover Pages Violations Too much content on one page? (resolved) Searchability of content (future work) Similarity of Restaurant and Event Views 1 - severity 2, aesthetic and minimalist design, the list view is visually overwhelming because of how much information is displayed 2 - severity 2, user control and freedom, the events and restaurants lists have different search bars which is confusing for the user and somewhat limiting in that a user may want to search directly for an event just as they can for a restaurant 3 - severity 1, consistency and standards, the two views are almost identical with a few small differences which may confuse the user as to where to look for a given piece of info Revisions 1 - we have removed some of the information displayed for a given event/restaurant on each of the pages and increased the space allocated to each row 2 - this is something we would like to get more user feedback on and will save for future work 3 - we are undecided on this as the two views do need to display different data and we think in some ways it is necessary for these minor changes, again we would like more user feedback on this
Event Details Violations Number of people going is confusing (potential planned fix) Page layout is unnecessarily squished follow/ignore event option (future work) 1 - severity 1, aesthetic and minimalist design, the evaluators misinterpreted what the headcount represented - it seems it was unclear that 4/14 meant 4 people are currently going and there are 10 remaining spots left 2 - severity 1, aesthetic and minimalist design, the majority of the info is concentrated in a small region of the screen leaving a lot of white space which may be better utilized to enhance readability 3 - severity 2, flexibility and ease of use, users can only join and unjoin events, there is no way for them to mark an event as something they want to follow/consider or something they want to ignore Revisions: 1 - the number of people going was meant to represent the number of people that have joined the event and the total number of spots that are left. This error was found by 1 evaluator and we do not believe that the majority of our users will experience the same confusion; however, to allay this possible concern we may reword the text so that more clearly indicates “spots remaining” 2 - we are still deciding if and how we will address this issue 3 - the ability to “follow” an event without joining is a feature that is nice to have but not essential to the functionality of our prototype and we do not know if we will have the time to fully implement it. We do not believe that the ability to ignore an event makes sense for our app at this time because the user does not receive notifications from events
Restaurant Details Violations Too much content (resolved) Menu button (resolved) 1 - severity 1, aesthetic and minimalist design, a lot (and maybe too much) info is being presented at once which is a bit visually overwhelming 2 - severity 1, consistency and standards, the menu button looks the same and is in the same location on the screen as the event chat button which is confusing since they have different functions Revisions 1 - removed some of the content. In particular we no longer support a dietary specific menu in our prototype due to time and data constraints and we also believe that providing a link to the restaurant’s actual menu and allowing the user to see all options is sufficient. We also collapsed the upcoming events so it only initially displays the number of upcoming events 2 - menu button has been removed
Event Creation Process Violations Uneven spacing between data fields (resolved) Recurrent/repeat events for frequent users (future work) invite friends vs everything else (resolved) 1 - severity 1, aesthetic and minimalist design, the spacing between data fields is uneven which is visually distracting 2 - severity 2, flexibility and efficiency of use, long term users may want to host recurrent events but there is no functionality that allows for recurrent specification or saves the data entered from prior events causing them to manually re-enter their information every time 3 - severity 2, consistency and standards, all data entry is on one screen except for invite friends which gets its own screen - does it really need this/is it really the feature that should have its own screen? Revisions: 1 - spacing has been made consistent 2 - this is a functionality that would be nice to have but it not necessary for the functionality of our app and we are unlikely to implement it for this iteration of the product 3 - event creation is now a multi - paged process where each distinct “task” gets its own screen (ie enter text, enter date and time, enter location, etc…)
Event Management Violations Searchability/sorting (potential planned fix) 1 - severity 2, aesthetic and minimalist design, once users have committed to events they don’t need to sort by distance or price because they’ve already committed, the just want to sort by dates Revisions: 1 - we are still working on these pages and have to discuss if we think this search functionality is important