Graduation Project Essentials
How do I design a project? Incorporate your interests or career path Something new, outside your comfort zone Clear purpose with a measurable product or end result
What are the minimum requirements? 20 hours – OUTSIDE of school No, you cannot count time spent working in study hall, graphic arts, wood shop … Mentor: At least 21 years of age Not a relative Expertise in your project’s nature Documentation of ALL steps of the project
Can I… Volunteer? – YES! There are many community organizations that could you use an extra set of hands to help out. Do a fundraiser? – YES! – BUT it needs to raise a significant amount of money ($500 +). Local charities are recommended. Use my job as my project? – NO. Get paid for Graduation Project? – NO. Any money raised through a Grad. Project needs to be donated to a worthy charity
Where do I do my project? At home Within your neighborhood or community In partnership with local organizations NOT here – NO Seneca Valley facilities can be used for Grad Project No, you cannot use the gym at Haine, or the art gallery at the IHS, or the…
When do I do my project? Submit your project proposal Obtain approval Due May 1st, 2018 to Mrs. Green, Mrs. Plutnicki or Mr. McFeeley Obtain approval The date of approval is the first day you can start work on your project.
How do I do my project? One step at a time Get organized Follow your plan Time manage Be responsible